Expecting Big things from these 2 this year

I REALLY hope so. I wish them the best at the next level, and they can help themselves and the team big time with big final years at the U.
i hope they can finally show some of their "potential" but frankly im expecting them both to be replaced as the starters by younger kids by the mid point of the season

both have been beyond a disappointment thus far.....although based on the reports from the spring......it appears ray ray may finally have his head in the right place.......which is at least a step in the right direction.......i guess now we will see if he was actually worth the hype or not
they both added needed size at their spot and when I was on the sideline for the spring game you could here both of them yelling and putting the other players in place, showing IMO their understanding of the Defensive playbook in year 2
i hope they can finally show some of their "potential" but frankly im expecting them both to be replaced as the starters by younger kids by the mid point of the season

both have been beyond a disappointment thus far.....although based on the reports from the spring......it appears ray ray may finally have his head in the right place.......which is at least a step in the right direction.......i guess now we will see if he was actually worth the hype or not

OK NJ how about a gentlemen's wager i bet if healthy they will both start all games this year. You win if they don't start, IF healthy more than half the games ?
i hope they can finally show some of their "potential" but frankly im expecting them both to be replaced as the starters by younger kids by the mid point of the season

both have been beyond a disappointment thus far.....although based on the reports from the spring......it appears ray ray may finally have his head in the right place.......which is at least a step in the right direction.......i guess now we will see if he was actually worth the hype or not

OK NJ how about a gentlemen's wager i bet if healthy they will both start all games this year. You win if they don't start, IF healthy more than half the games ?
i hope to ******* **** they do.........but based on their "careers" thus far......i just dont think either of them are really very good football players........so it wouldnt surprise me if they got beat out or played themselves out or reps
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i hope they can finally show some of their "potential" but frankly im expecting them both to be replaced as the starters by younger kids by the mid point of the season

both have been beyond a disappointment thus far.....although based on the reports from the spring......it appears ray ray may finally have his head in the right place.......which is at least a step in the right direction.......i guess now we will see if he was actually worth the hype or not

OK NJ how about a gentlemen's wager i bet if healthy they will both start all games this year. You win if they don't start, IF healthy more than half the games ?
i hope to ******* **** they do.........but based on their "careers" thus far.......it wouldnt surprise me if they got beat out or played themselves out or reps

Very true but not many kids on the team have had stellar "careers" thus far ecspicially under Randy's player development system... but hey at least the bar hasn't been set very high for them to both have career best year's
I think VT has a better chance at having the "light switch" turn on than RRA does.

RRA isn't, never has been, and never will be a safety. He was mis-cast from day 1. I'd be pretty shocked if he showed any sort of marked improvement. You can't teach lateral quickness and change of direction speed...neither of which the kid was blessed with. He's simply a below average player in space.

I hope I'm wrong though....we haven't had such a shortage of quality depth at safety in decades....so anything these 2 give us will help.
Agree with Jedi on Armstrong. Kid should have been a SAM from the getgo IMO. We obviously need him to ball out this season and I hope he does. VT is just too slow to be an impact S. We need some playmakers back there in a bad way.
not expecting much from both of them. It wouldn't surprise me if Rodgers starts the season and Bush by mid year takes the other spot.

Also RRA should have been a LB but Shannon thought he could be the next Sean Taylor. Dude should get back his #26.
RR is a liability in coverage. IF he could make up for it by making some big plays a la forced fumbles and stopping the run then we could get by with him there.

VT is just meh. he doesn't do any one thing very well. he is just adequate all around. he could be solid this year but not a game changer.

Rodgers LOOKED the part in the spring game IMO. I am still very skeptical based on the play vs FSU. that was unacceptable. maybe he was just shell shocked being some of his first time at S on the road at FSU. if he could come on, they might be able to move RR around and get him closer to the LOS. sort of Rover type role on 3rd down
not expecting much from both of them. It wouldn't surprise me if Rodgers starts the season and Bush by mid year takes the other spot.

Also RRA should have been a LB but Shannon thought he could be the next Sean Taylor. Dude should get back his #26.

Bush is a corner. Also, Ray Ray doesn't have the frame to put on weight and be a 235 LB. He's best suited for play around the LOS as a hybrid player.
If we get solid play from the safeties this year our defense will be much improved. Im really excited to see the CBs this year
I have never been sold on Armstrong, but I think it was a good sign that Golden was praising Ray Ray in the press for putting in the work this offseason - especially after the year full of fail on and off the field that RRA had just given us. I hope it translates to the field because we need him to hold it down.

I agree that Telemaque is just meh back there and I think "adequate" was the perfect word.

Obviously the experience factor is going to be helpful. On a squad that is really young, it is nice to know that we have some upperclassmen anchoring the defensive backfield, even if they haven't shown the ball skills of our past greats.
Notice most of those highlights are from practices, scrimmage, and FAMU. Two (basically) 3 year starters.

Anyway, I hope they get it together. They can surprise.