Everything Cam Ward said to ESPN, including whether he will play bowl

of course the board focuses on him saying top 25 defense and not the fact he is a heisman finalist who lead us to a 10-2 season lol
They always have to focus on the negative part. It's just what they are

Cam..........exuding Class all the way, but directing his accomplishments to others.........God...his family, his Coaches, other players, and the team in general..........deflecting from those incredible plays that we witnessed.

So good to see a young player not doing the "me me me" and instead saying "we we we".

Cam shows us the way............and I wish more players are like him......what a great guy?????....and I love this part...records with his buds and players at the U.... as a Miami Hurricane.......wow.!!!!! Very proud...
When is the last time we lost to an out of conference team? Rutgers?
Ya’ll got to stop. THE BEST QB in a bazillion years represents us in the media like a King. He could say we have a top 5 defense….i don’t care. Dude is AMAZING and absolutely has done wonders for our image. Give that man his due. THANK YOU CAM for bringing back excitement and zeal to the Hurricanes. Appreciate u my dude!!!
Staff and old dudes will work out a sensible amount of playing time. I expect Cam and Emory to split the game and the same goes for all the others.