EVEN if Winston is innocent, FSU is GUILTY

They broke Federal Law. Title IX is a HUGE deal. This will not end well for the university. To big a deal to go unnoticed by lawmakers. ( I hope )
This girl is going to sue the **** out of fsu in federal court.


However, Title IX, a federal law, mandates that immediately after a school is informed of such an accusation it must conduct a "prompt, thorough, and impartial" investigation that should take about 60 days to complete, according to the U.S. Department of Education.
Given that the inquiry remains ongoing, it's unclear how Florida State could have met those standards: The university's investigation has either lasted well more than two months, or school officials did not begin the inquiry when the alleged assault was reported to campus police.
"Conduct may constitute unlawful sexual harassment under Title IX even if the police do not have sufficient evidence of a criminal violation," the department said in 2011. "In addition, a criminal investigation into allegations of sexual violence does not relieve the school of its duty under Title IX to resolve complaints promptly and equitably."

This is far bigger than football...This is two young promising lives that will never be the same.

Nole or not, I pray for the kid b/c he has a bright future ahead of him if he is found to be innocent. And if he truly is guilty, I pray this girl gets the justice she deserves for what she has been put through.
I wanna beat Winston on the field...not through some questionable BS like this. All i'm reading is our fans want him out the way so we can win. BOGUS BOGUS BOGUS. This mediocrity is finally reaching the fanbase, I can't believe this. You guys keep supporting this broken program in this manner and we will always lose 2 or 3 games a year.

Wrong. It's not about beating an FSU team without their best players. If this happened at Fresno State and the university failed to comply with federal law, do you think our fans reaction will be different? I for one feel for the victims in these cases. The girl reported "rape" at the time the sexual encounter happened, not days or months after she felt guilty or ashamed of doing something she shouldn't have done. Whether she is truthful or not, the law should have been followed.

Rape is rape if it indeed happened. But, all of this title 9 talk and happiness about Winston getting so-called caught up is sad. This has no place in football and I am disgusted about this. TPD is a SEPERATE entity from FSU.
I surprised and a little saddened by the reaction of so many Canes fans regarding this story. I see a lot of people hoping that a 3rd party goes after FSU and harms them. Given the 2+ year journey our program has been on, Im even more surprised that anyone here would wish that on our greatest rival. Misplaced feeling IMO.
I wanna beat Winston on the field...not through some questionable BS like this. All i'm reading is our fans want him out the way so we can win. BOGUS BOGUS BOGUS. This mediocrity is finally reaching the fanbase, I can't believe this. You guys keep supporting this broken program in this manner and we will always lose 2 or 3 games a year.

Wrong. It's not about beating an FSU team without their best players. If this happened at Fresno State and the university failed to comply with federal law, do you think our fans reaction will be different? I for one feel for the victims in these cases. The girl reported "rape" at the time the sexual encounter happened, not days or months after she felt guilty or ashamed of doing something she shouldn't have done. Whether she is truthful or not, the law should have been followed.

Rape is rape if it indeed happened. But, all of this title 9 talk and happiness about Winston getting so-called caught up is sad. This has no place in football and I am disgusted about this. TPD is a SEPERATE entity from FSU.

It is not TPD actions that in question here. Whether it is true or not, the OP says the institution failed to do what is required by the mandate. It is not about what the police department did or did not do.
I wanna beat Winston on the field...not through some questionable BS like this. All i'm reading is our fans want him out the way so we can win. BOGUS BOGUS BOGUS. This mediocrity is finally reaching the fanbase, I can't believe this. You guys keep supporting this broken program in this manner and we will always lose 2 or 3 games a year.

Wrong. It's not about beating an FSU team without their best players. If this happened at Fresno State and the university failed to comply with federal law, do you think our fans reaction will be different? I for one feel for the victims in these cases. The girl reported "rape" at the time the sexual encounter happened, not days or months after she felt guilty or ashamed of doing something she shouldn't have done. Whether she is truthful or not, the law should have been followed.

Rape is rape if it indeed happened. But, all of this title 9 talk and happiness about Winston getting so-called caught up is sad. This has no place in football and I am disgusted about this. TPD is a SEPERATE entity from FSU.

It is not TPD actions that in question here. Whether it is true or not, the OP says the institution failed to do what is required by the mandate. It is not about what the police department did or did not do.

perhaps you should re-read my statement, TPD and FSU are 2 separate entities.
It seems deliberate and willful misconduct by TPD/FSU. The rape was reported by the victim immediatly and a medical examination (rape kit) conducted. TPD/FSU stalled the investigation and ignored the victim's rights.

Shameful and disgusting the conduct by TPD/FSU.

This. Too many people are forgetting that this goes beyond football. This DOES NOT feel like the Duke lacrosse thing, which was always sketchy. This feels the exact opposite, and yet the message being sent is: the heisman is more important than figuring out of this is true or not. All the worst parts of college sports.
The timing is very suspect in every facet of this case.

Read MIA's summary above. Not saying he is absolutely guilty, but she did everything she was supposed to. Its the TPD that intimidated and dragged their feet, giving at least the impression of a cover up.
I have a feeling if any civil suit comes out it will be Winston going after the accuser and her Aunt. This looks like the biggest " Cleat chaser gone bad". Episode I have seen. Jerry Springer like.

Seems just the opposite to me, but I'm waiting for the details before passing final judgment.
Yup he sounds like another jesse jackson lover all lower case because he is a scumbag. Cheats on his wife gets his girlfriend pregnant and all his moronic followers keep on following the low life. Pastor, lol, the scumbag should have been kicked to the curb. Way too many racists in here, most try to hide it. Pretty easy to see the facts of this case so far. The girl went right to the hospital to take a rape test. Got the corrupt cops involved, they didn't do anything but try to cover this up.
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I guess time will tell, just seems very peculiar that if this was truly a seal assault, why she did nothing about it and cooperated with the police for interviews, etc, until after Winton made it big. Back in Dec 2012 and up to Feb 2013, he was not the big name with a future number 1 pick in the draft in a few years. $$$$$$
Even though she reported it well before now and the only reason this has come to light is because tmz got ahold of the police report
They look pretty **** tied together to me! Two entities sleeping together. This just shows that the criminal public union cops should not be hired to do private sector work. They should hire private security instead of these corrupt pricks. Protect and serve, they protect the wrong people, fire all of them criminals.
I wanna beat Winston on the field...not through some questionable BS like this. All i'm reading is our fans want him out the way so we can win. BOGUS BOGUS BOGUS. This mediocrity is finally reaching the fanbase, I can't believe this. You guys keep supporting this broken program in this manner and we will always lose 2 or 3 games a year.

Wrong. It's not about beating an FSU team without their best players. If this happened at Fresno State and the university failed to comply with federal law, do you think our fans reaction will be different? I for one feel for the victims in these cases. The girl reported "rape" at the time the sexual encounter happened, not days or months after she felt guilty or ashamed of doing something she shouldn't have done. Whether she is truthful or not, the law should have been followed.

Rape is rape if it indeed happened. But, all of this title 9 talk and happiness about Winston getting so-called caught up is sad. This has no place in football and I am disgusted about this. TPD is a SEPERATE entity from FSU.

It is not TPD actions that in question here. Whether it is true or not, the OP says the institution failed to do what is required by the mandate. It is not about what the police department did or did not do.

perhaps you should re-read my statement, TPD and FSU are 2 separate entities.
I for one think the cops and all the people involved in this cover up should be fired. Even if it goes all the way up to the top person at Florida State. These are people suppose to be working for the public. Our tax dollars are paying for these scum sucking pigs. Bottom line this should have been dealt with when it happened not a year later. I don't think the school should be in trouble at all, go after the people who knew about it and fire their asses. An investigation should have been done to find out the truth. If there was a cover up, throw the scumbags involved in prison for a while. So sick and tired of all the corruption in this country by our public corrupt workers.

I surprised and a little saddened by the reaction of so many Canes fans regarding this story. I see a lot of people hoping that a 3rd party goes after FSU and harms them. Given the 2+ year journey our program has been on, Im even more surprised that anyone here would wish that on our greatest rival. Misplaced feeling IMO.
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I surprised and a little saddened by the reaction of so many Canes fans regarding this story. I see a lot of people hoping that a 3rd party goes after FSU and harms them. Given the 2+ year journey our program has been on, Im even more surprised that anyone here would wish that on our greatest rival. Misplaced feeling IMO.

Do u realize the two times they got good we had NCAA issues? They were jumping up and down at our problems, yet we shouldn't wish it on them? GTFO with that nonsense