ESPN: "Florida continues to be fruitful for Bama's 17 class"

Cowan is from Chicago. Not a pure bred FL kid. Scarborough originally from Alabama.

But I get your point though. We have to win ball games, kids will come.

Ya and Leatherwood is from Alabama East (florida panhandle)

I mean these are excuses.

Lifestyle in Miami is 1000x times better then anywhere else, besides maybe USC, and certainly better than Tuscaloosa.

These kids that come down to IMG and what not from out-of-state, should never want to leave.

Miami is great to live if you're pulling in 100k+ a year otherwise it's considered the worst city to live in America. If you're poor you can afford a nice plate of cuban food and a trip to the beach.

Miami ranked as worst city in U.S., even worse than bankrupt Detroit | Miami Herald
win games, fill the stadium.

This right here is exactly what has to happen to shift the balance of power on recruiting.

Bringing recruits to a home game with 65-70% empty seats is embarrassing. Bringing recruits to a sold out UM-FSU game in Miami where 40% of the crowd is FSU is embarrassing, especially when we end up losing the game.

This is why I've always hated the decision to leave the OB - even when it wasn't a sellout, the OB still felt imposing - crowd was close to the field, noise amplified well, student section was rowdy/compressed - it felt and looked like a college atmosphere. SunLife feels dead unless it's near or at capacity, and even then noise does not carry well. Hopefully the renovations help with all of that...
Do people realize Ridley, Scarborough and Jackson would not have qualified at UM...smh.. kids aren't tryin to go to juco route to get into UM or any college if they dont have to..even if it means foin to a academically lower standard school...
You can't stop teams from getting elite Florida players, there's just too much talent

Some will get away. But you gotta have the "Must-Get" recruits in the tri-county area (I.e Dalvin Cook, Ridley, Cooper, Patrick Peterson, Alex Collins etc).

2016 was a good class, Sam Bruce & Ahmmon Richards were Must-Get type of guys.
Most elite programs start by getting the players then winning not the other way around like people think in there imaginary world.

We as in miami always got the players then won
Most elite programs start by getting the players then winning not the other way around like people think in there imaginary world.

We as in miami always got the players then won

I couldn't disagree more. Most programs start their climb with guys that are 3 star type players not by bringing in 4 star and 5 star guys off the rip. Guys with good potential but probably don't make an impact until their junior and senior years. Those programs rely on solid depth and good development of 3 star players (see MSU, Baylor, TCU, Oregon, Louisville). Every once in a while, they get lucky and get an impact QB or a guy that was a total miss by the big boys that helps them move up a few rungs quicker.

Old men like me can remember the Miami glory days, but most kids nowadays don't have any personal memories of those times! Youtube is fine, but our best days were before HD tv even. Under Golden I was sometimes shocked by the caliber of some players he was able to recruit (obviously he was a total bonehead and missed on way too many other guys), especially considering our recent mediocrity.

I believe Richt and crew will right the ship, but some kids probably want to see us win a big game or two (which we haven't done in years).

(An aside on star ratings (traditionally)--5 star means guys with instant impact, 4 star are expected to be starters by sophomore/junior year, 3 star means they will be depth guys early on with potential to be good upperclass starters).
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I cant believe the excuses for this? And now people are happy we got richards and he is better? Makes no sense richards was a golden commit
Cowan is from Chicago. Not a pure bred FL kid. Scarborough originally from Alabama.

But I get your point though. We have to win ball games, kids will come.

Ya and Leatherwood is from Alabama East (florida panhandle)

Correction: From the west end of the Panhandle to Panama City, it's often called "LA."

Lower Alabama.

I lived in that area for 4 years and it is a Bama and Auburn area no doubt. Even before Bama went on this run.
Reading ESPNs bama jerk off article and it just ****ed me off that we're still having these issues. I know CMR is behind the 8 ball a bit on 2017, just because he just got here, but what needs to happen for this to stop besides "just win" response thrown around? It's gone from Bama finding a gem in Eddie Jackson and getting Amari cooper, to now an all out invasion. Jeudy, Leatherwood, and Cowan. Scarbarough and Ridley from previous cycles. What can we do to help CMR get this fixed?

Yes, he's been behind the 8 Ball for '17.
It seems he's doing just fine for '18, so we'll just have to let him do his thing.
What can we do? The only thing we can do that can affect a recruit's decision. Support this team and go to games.
As opposed to a negative, let's make gameday at Joe Sharklife stadium a positive when a recruit considers UM.
No more excuses for the fans.
win games, fill the stadium.

This right here is exactly what has to happen to shift the balance of power on recruiting.

Bringing recruits to a home game with 65-70% empty seats is embarrassing. Bringing recruits to a sold out UM-FSU game in Miami where 40% of the crowd is FSU is embarrassing, especially when we end up losing the game.

This is why I've always hated the decision to leave the OB - even when it wasn't a sellout, the OB still felt imposing - crowd was close to the field, noise amplified well, student section was rowdy/compressed - it felt and looked like a college atmosphere. SunLife feels dead unless it's near or at capacity, and even then noise does not carry well. Hopefully the renovations help with all of that...

The roof looks like it scales the place down a little, feels smaller.
Can't wait to check it out in September.
Cowan is from Chicago. Not a pure bred FL kid. Scarborough originally from Alabama.

But I get your point though. We have to win ball games, kids will come.

Ya and Leatherwood is from Alabama East (florida panhandle)

I mean these are excuses.

Lifestyle in Miami is 1000x times better then anywhere else, besides maybe USC, and certainly better than Tuscaloosa.

These kids that come down to IMG and what not from out-of-state, should never want to leave.

IMG is in Bradenton. Not south FL...not even close to Miami.
Cowan is from Chicago. Not a pure bred FL kid. Scarborough originally from Alabama.

But I get your point though. We have to win ball games, kids will come.

Ya and Leatherwood is from Alabama East (florida panhandle)

I mean these are excuses.

Lifestyle in Miami is 1000x times better then anywhere else, besides maybe USC, and certainly better than Tuscaloosa.

These kids that come down to IMG and what not from out-of-state, should never want to leave.

Have you ever been to Img? I only ask this because in alot of instances it pushes kids away. Img is in the middle of nowhere & all you can do is work out six days a week & rest the seventh. It's makes alot of kids homesick & doesn't really give much of an impression of Florida let alone south florida.