ESPN article on James Coley

Well, Shannon had his ups and major downs. I will say this..Nobody on here can say they thought we would plunge as bad as we did after we beat Oklahoma and had the 3-1 start in 2009. I definitely thought we were at least somewhat back. (And yes, I know it wasnt a fully healthy OU team but at the time of the victory who cared..) But Shannon just had some loses that are just plain unforgivable. I will never let him live them down. EVER. He has more unforgivable losses then all of the Cane coaches combined and if there was a top 10..He would have 3 of the top 5! (The blowout home loss to FSU in 2010, The Virginia blowout loss at the last game at the OB, and the home loss to USF in 2010)

Coley seems like he is the goods and I am excited that he is excited. Now lets see some results starting on Sept 7.

The destruction he levied on my program has nothing to do with any single games or isolated incidents. It was a conglomeration of incompetence. Abject failure in every facet of running a program that went way way deeper than one game or even one season. The guy had zero concept of running a program or being a leader, and he showed no interest at all in improving his flaws in either category. There are plenty of stories of him being a 20 hour per week worker who was seemingly never around the football offices.

If those are true, they probably bother me more than anything else.

Lol. Ok guys. I should have ended my post with "Kindly proceed to negg me". LOL. I hated Shannon as much as anybody in his last year but I saw some sign of progress at the beginning of that year. This is all a moot point cuz buddy is singing "Pig Soey" in the boondocks and eatin "Chicken n Fixins" with the rest of the bums in Ark. I think we can all agree we are very happy he is gone and that Al is here.
Well, Shannon had his ups and major downs. I will say this..Nobody on here can say they thought we would plunge as bad as we did after we beat Oklahoma and had the 3-1 start in 2009. I definitely thought we were at least somewhat back. (And yes, I know it wasnt a fully healthy OU team but at the time of the victory who cared..) But Shannon just had some loses that are just plain unforgivable. I will never let him live them down. EVER. He has more unforgivable losses then all of the Cane coaches combined and if there was a top 10..He would have 3 of the top 5! (The blowout home loss to FSU in 2010, The Virginia blowout loss at the last game at the OB, and the home loss to USF in 2010)

Coley seems like he is the goods and I am excited that he is excited. Now lets see some results starting on Sept 7.

Nobody? You couldnt be more wrong. There were a LOT of people who knew Shannon was incapable of dong anything other than further destroying the program. You are projecting inappropriately.

Some people have forgotten the absolute disgust many of us had with Shannon and for what reasons. The arrogance he sometimes showed as a D-Coordinator (only later on willing to adjust to matchup zone) is the same arrogance he carried into being the CEO of a football program. If you're going to be arrogant, you better be exceptional. If you're going to be exceptional, you better have an advantage in personal talent (innovative, etc.) or outwork everyone else to some significant percentage (tough to do with how hard some people work now). Instead, he was simplistic, arrogant and entitled. Did that not reflect on his teams and players who got here and actually got worse?

Coach Shannon did nearly irreparable damage to this program. I shudder at the thought of what would have happened if they had waited any longer to remove him.
Shannon defense was small and weak. All his doing. Ray Ray was slow, VT was slow and weak, Spence was my fav but he was small, DVD was small, Ramon Buchanon also, The Dline wasnt strong at all. Just stating the obvious. There's big difference with Goldens recruit and Shannon's.Watch how big and strong our 2014 defense is.
Speak for yourself about being blinded. The man was obviously clueless from day one. Worst corch in our history by a landslide.

The two worst coaches in Miami history back to back. It's no wonder why we were crippled.
Well, Shannon had his ups and major downs. I will say this..Nobody on here can say they thought we would plunge as bad as we did after we beat Oklahoma and had the 3-1 start in 2009. I definitely thought we were at least somewhat back. (And yes, I know it wasnt a fully healthy OU team but at the time of the victory who cared..) But Shannon just had some loses that are just plain unforgivable. I will never let him live them down. EVER. He has more unforgivable losses then all of the Cane coaches combined and if there was a top 10..He would have 3 of the top 5! (The blowout home loss to FSU in 2010, The Virginia blowout loss at the last game at the OB, and the home loss to USF in 2010)

Coley seems like he is the goods and I am excited that he is excited. Now lets see some results starting on Sept 7.

The destruction he levied on my program has nothing to do with any single games or isolated incidents. It was a conglomeration of incompetence. Abject failure in every facet of running a program that went way way deeper than one game or even one season. The guy had zero concept of running a program or being a leader, and he showed no interest at all in improving his flaws in either category. There are plenty of stories of him being a 20 hour per week worker who was seemingly never around the football offices.

If those are true, they probably bother me more than anything else.
If true? Stuff like that was widely reported all the way through shammin's tenure.
My mind is flooded with bad memories due to subject of the last few posts. All I can say right now is..
But Chise, how could he be in the football office all day when he had to make sure the players weren't wearing hats indoors and making sure they were holding the doors open for the ladies.

Where are your priorities man?
But Chise, how could he be in the football office all day when he had to make sure the players weren't wearing hats indoors and making sure they were holding the doors open for the ladies.

Where are your priorities man?

Lulz. That stuff was a joke. We can make it to class on time but we dont know how to tackle somebody properly