equipment room/ staff

Man... we really need new staff members handling our Jerseys ----the only school that has shoulder pads out during amofficial photo shoot is pretty embarrassing. They are lazy, Mario - Get us new UNIFORMS A.S.A.P.
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omg... sorry this post offends the posters out there and is so boring and stupid. So many other subjects that are so bad

Nobody would want the most swagged out uni's in the country (not the 1980's theme), which would also be in favor of the players and recruits?
omg... sorry this post offends the posters out there and is so boring and stupid. So many other subjects that are so bad

Nobody would want the most swagged out uni's in the country (not the 1980's theme), which would also be in favor of the players and recruits?

You're speaking of the school that until very recently on the topic of facilities said, "We don't need anything but some grass and a football field."

On the list of absolute, mandatory needs listed in priority - I checked - it's # 546.

Right now we're on #16 - so it's probably going to be later in the season - at least.
Kid in the picture wasn’t even a sperm in his daddy’s ******* when those guys pictured behind him were playing at UM and in the NFL.
omg... sorry this post offends the posters out there and is so boring and stupid. So many other subjects that are so bad

Nobody would want the most swagged out uni's in the country (not the 1980's theme), which would also be in favor of the players and recruits?
You aren’t even commenting about the Uni you’re commenting that the player didn’t pull the sleeve down fully lol.
We need more smoke out the tunnel, bring back the helmet and the helmet logo's in the endzone, idgaf if its dolphins stadium or not
the good days like when nebraska requested that we didnt do the smoke coming out but we did anyway!!!! GOT TO GET THE SMALL THINGS RIGHT!!!