I've only seen a couple idiots and Randy loyalists that want Golden fired. Golden has done tremenedous things for us. He has been masterful in virtually every aspect of improving the team and program. Unfortuantey, putting a quality defense on the filed is not one of them. Something is wrong and nothing has improved it. The UF game fooled me. I thought we were finally hitting and tackling, but it arrears now that the gator just sucks really bad. I love Golden and have defended him every step of the way, but VT actually looked bad on Saturday with many mistakes and still crushed us. 1st year, forget--NCAA bomb. 2nd year, all lazy Randy players left early, so ok we were young. FSU this year, ok they might have a NC team. But game 9 against a VT that just lost to two chump teams and we get our rears beat like little girls--NO. Something is wrong. I don't like this defense and Al needs to either make it work FAST, start to abandon it for something better, or bring in coaches that can actually make it work because he and Mark cannot.
I think Al might, when it is all said and done, be the best HC we have ever had. But his defense, the way it is played, stinks at this level. I believe this is Al's defense, so I don't know if blaming Mark is the way to go. At this point, either way, Al has to belly up and accept the blame and make it right -- no promises, just do it. When Randy was here the players got worse as time went on. Has anyone seen Fig make a big hit the last few weeks? AQM? Maybe it is the water in Coral Gables.
I wanted to fire Coaker in the third year when he lost 2 games with all those 1st round draft picks. It would be a disaster to fire Al, but by the same token, his status as god must be taken away. These players, coaches, and system are not working together. I am not being paid millions to figure out why or what to do about it, but Al is! Fix the players, the coaches or the system. I'll give him a pass on the offense this year, new OC, QB crippled, apparently back up not worth a crap, lost fastest WR, lost one of best players in college football last week and so on. But for the D, no hall pass. Not this year. Tackling should not STILL be a problem. ****, I think DP even missed a tackle on that 3rd and long conversion into a TD. Al, find the problem, fix the problem before you become the problem.