Elite DE Hayden Lowe flips his commitment to Miami

3 hours earlier he said he was locked in with USC and no longer taking visits

So the kid is a lier…got it


Prbably not 6’5 if I had to guess. The Hayes tweets always exaggerate HT/WT’s but even listed at 6’4 on 247, he is probably in between 6’3-6’4 (which is fine). If he has the twitch and can maintain it, keep him at edge. Regardless, talented DL are always welcomed.

Well, according to Ivins kid measured in at 6046 242, which is 6’4 6/8 so we might be cooking with fish grease here. He also turns 17 in a few days so this kid may end up 280 pounds at 6’5 but my point above remains the same. If he maintains his twitch and a/a, keep him outside. I’m tired of teams bending us over by running off tackle.

Well, according to Ivins kid measured in at 6046 242, which is 6’4 6/8 so we might be cooking with fish grease here. He also turns 17 in a few days so this kid may end up 280 pounds at 6’5 but my point above remains the same. If he maintains his twitch and a/a, keep him outside. I’m tired of teams bending us over by running off tackle.

Between the listed HT/WT and his ranking on all 3 (4 if you count ESPN) I don’t recall ever seeing as much disparity.