Quote: "Perez’s compensation from the NCAA: Ms. Perez made it clear to the
Enforcement Staff that her client had no source of funds to pay for her
work in the bankruptcy process. She also made it abundantly clear to
the Enforcement Staff that she would not expend the time and
resources to conduct these depositions unless the NCAA was paying
her. As she explained in her interview with us, she had absolutely no
interest in doing these depositions “for nothing.” Therefore, these
depositions would likely not have occurred in the normal course of the
bankruptcy proceeding but for the NCAA’s agreement to pay Ms.
In light of these circumstances, it is apparent that the Enforcement Staff accepted
the Perez proposal with clear intent to use the bankruptcy process for their own
Ms. Perez, How do you spell, "Abuse of Process?" Contempt of Court?
Enforcement Staff that her client had no source of funds to pay for her
work in the bankruptcy process. She also made it abundantly clear to
the Enforcement Staff that she would not expend the time and
resources to conduct these depositions unless the NCAA was paying
her. As she explained in her interview with us, she had absolutely no
interest in doing these depositions “for nothing.” Therefore, these
depositions would likely not have occurred in the normal course of the
bankruptcy proceeding but for the NCAA’s agreement to pay Ms.
In light of these circumstances, it is apparent that the Enforcement Staff accepted
the Perez proposal with clear intent to use the bankruptcy process for their own
Ms. Perez, How do you spell, "Abuse of Process?" Contempt of Court?