Eddie Johnson - update in post #19 - (Swag)

"The last straw was when EJ beat the bloody **** out of a LAX kid."

a little part of me was hopping that LAX kid was Alex Collins :quag:

For those 'in the know'.
Did EJ voluntarily just not register for class this semester, or was he NOT PERMITTED to register? I assume that, because AG still says that he is "indefinately suspended", that he is still on scholie, allbeit ineligible because not a registered student. Is the door still ajar, or closed completely.

This is another Kelvin Cain situation... He heard he was suspended, so in a Goon's mind, he didn't think he was supposed to sign up for class LOL

Why else would he be around to record the Harlem Shake?? Gotta understand how Goons think man!!

Hey! Can we quit with the "Goon" thing? :-)
Maybe a more accurate term for the EJ's on our team would be "berserker."

The Vikings (not those Minnesota wooses) had a few key men who were known as berserkers. Getting caught by surprise, the Vikings found themselves attacked by 5,000 Saxons on September 25, 1066 at the Stamford bridge. Needing to retreat across the , a single berserker volunteered to hold the bridge while the others pulled back.

Attacked hard by 5,000 Saxons, he held that bridge for a full hour and slaughtered scores of enemy soldiers by himself, until finally, he was felled by a spear thrust up from underneath the bridge.

I understand that berserkers weren't the first to be invited to engagement parties, weddings, church socials, or youth camps.

But watching the EJ's of our team, and we have a few, I'm constantly reminded of the 'berserker' mindset.

They get it done.

And EJ will be missed on game days.
I won't miss him. Should have been dumped long ago.

One look into his eyes and you can sense that he fits not what we want to be, but the stereotyped image of a Canes football player. Pure crazed lunatic. I won't be surprised at anything he screws up down the road.

If that FIU brawl had taken place during his era, I'd bet on Eddie Johnson to be the one guy who stood out on the tape, swinging more viciously and for a considerably longer period than anyone on the field.
First of all, the guy is overrated. He's a beacon of light on what has/had become a talentless team and his energy on the field is appreciated. But, as a player, he's not a freshman Ray Lewis or Dan Morgan or even Rocky McIntosh IMO. He's pretty decent especially against the run, terrible against the pass. Secondly, and more importantly, he's completely unreliable. Golden's not dumb and I doubt he'd be one to make himself reliant on unreliable players. If this were a one-summer thing, fine. It's over a year and it's clear that this guy is functionally retarded. The team would be smart to cut it's losses.
I won't miss him. Should have been dumped long ago.

One look into his eyes and you can sense that he fits not what we want to be, but the stereotyped image of a Canes football player. Pure crazed lunatic. I won't be surprised at anything he screws up down the road.

If that FIU brawl had taken place during his era, I'd bet on Eddie Johnson to be the one guy who stood out on the tape, swinging more viciously and for a considerably longer period than anyone on the field.

You can tell that about a guy just by one look in his eyes? You must be a keen judge of character my friend.
First of all, the guy is overrated. He's a beacon of light on what has/had become a talentless team and his energy on the field is appreciated. But, as a player, he's not a freshman Ray Lewis or Dan Morgan or even Rocky McIntosh IMO. He's pretty decent especially against the run, terrible against the pass. Secondly, and more importantly, he's completely unreliable. Golden's not dumb and I doubt he'd be one to make himself reliant on unreliable players. If this were a one-summer thing, fine. It's over a year and it's clear that this guy is functionally retarded. The team would be smart to cut it's losses.

Good post. but it's just brutal taking another hit to our defense, which does not have an abundance of players w/ his experience, size, and athleticism at lb. While i agree that his contributions have been overstated, he had the potential to be a key contributor if fully committed and working on improving the pass coverage deficiencies. unlike the long gone glory years, we just cant afford losses on defense, given the lack of experienced talent. Using your example, what a difference a rocky Macintosh-type player would make.

Many of us had this faint cross your fingers-hope that he would have finally gotten the message after letting down his teammates by missing games last season. But clearly he has not, and regrettably I agree it is time to cut bait.
Eddie clubbed Fisch 3 times there's no way he shouldn't be kicked off the team
Maybe a more accurate term for the EJ's on our team would be "berserker."

The Vikings (not those Minnesota wooses) had a few key men who were known as berserkers. Getting caught by surprise, the Vikings found themselves attacked by 5,000 Saxons on September 25, 1066 at the Stamford bridge. Needing to retreat across the , a single berserker volunteered to hold the bridge while the others pulled back.

Attacked hard by 5,000 Saxons, he held that bridge for a full hour and slaughtered scores of enemy soldiers by himself, until finally, he was felled by a spear thrust up from underneath the bridge.

I understand that berserkers weren't the first to be invited to engagement parties, weddings, church socials, or youth camps.

But watching the EJ's of our team, and we have a few, I'm constantly reminded of the 'berserker' mindset.

They get it done.

And EJ will be missed on game days.

Eddie's father was a Bizerker. His father's father was a Bizerker, and his father's father's father before him was a Bizerker.
First of all, the guy is overrated. He's a beacon of light on what has/had become a talentless team and his energy on the field is appreciated. But, as a player, he's not a freshman Ray Lewis or Dan Morgan or even Rocky McIntosh IMO. He's pretty decent especially against the run, terrible against the pass. Secondly, and more importantly, he's completely unreliable. Golden's not dumb and I doubt he'd be one to make himself reliant on unreliable players. If this were a one-summer thing, fine. It's over a year and it's clear that this guy is functionally retarded. The team would be smart to cut it's losses.
