EDDIE J coming back is like getting a 5* last month..

Step in the right direction. He has the potential to be a player that creates the most havoc on and off the field for the Canes in a long time.

This is great news. And I love that Al has realized that he needs him and has given him chances rather than just cast him off. I hope he sticks with it. Some guys make some mistakes and learn from it and are better for it. Other unfortunately don't learn and are doomed to repeat their wayward ways. Here's to hoping he's the former of the two. Bc god **** it we need his bad *** on the field ripping Gator and Nole *** next year.
Can he go live with ray Lewis during spring break and the summer and get it drilled in his head what one bad choice in life could send you away for a long time
Someone needs to sit his *** down and tell him that if he just chills the **** out off the field he will be an All-American that can be a potential first round draft pick which will get him some serious chedda. Eddie needs to start looking long term and stop being a straight up thug off the field. Don't get me wrong, I want nothing but the thug -*** Eddie on the field cause thats where this ***** does his damage.

I'm going to see what I can do in terms of buying this dude an xbox360 and grand theft auto so he can be a thug and kill people, beat the **** out of peoople. and rob people, on the xbox. If we can keep his thug *** lifestyle on the xbox we'll be in good shape.
Someone needs to sit his *** down and tell him that if he just chills the **** out off the field he will be an All-American that can be a potential first round draft pick which will get him some serious chedda. Eddie needs to start looking long term and stop being a straight up thug off the field. Don't get me wrong, I want nothing but the thug -*** Eddie on the field cause thats where this ***** does his damage.

I'm going to see what I can do in terms of buying this dude an xbox360 and grand theft auto so he can be a thug and kill people, beat the **** out of peoople. and rob people, on the xbox. If we can keep his thug *** lifestyle on the xbox we'll be in good shape.

Trust me, this is not the first kid in this situation in any collegiate sport....we have had several of this kids on this team past and present that just dont care or dont get it...A gentleman close to willie williams told me that these brothers still feel the need to have a certain lifestyle held up, even after they have left the nonsense of gangs or a violent life style, they feel they cant face their bros with out still being that thug or badass...way too many times this happens and it will happen again.
Lets hope for eddies sake he finally gets it and sees a VERY bright future like you mentioned is less than 24 months away for him...my bet he doesn't
Me thinks Golden will have Ray say a word or two to Eddie when he is around.

from what I read and hear,,,EJ only likes talking to Coach Golden...when others get near him to discuss an issue he blows up????? not sure if true.
I am pretty sure he would listen to Mr.Lewis

Good point...yes the players should respect all alums that speak...again with his issues I am sure they have had everyone but the pope talk to eddie..something has to give...maybe Ray can get his attention, but Ray is a professional and will not step in unless coach Golden asks him too..it is still coach Goldens team and I am sure Ray just wants to watch Jr and stay sidelined as hard is that is to believe.... coach G will not allow distractions he cant this year.
I guess my point is that Ray will probably be around Greentree a decent bit. Naturally, he'll be there to watch his son and obviously won't want to step on the toes of the LB coach or the D-Coordinator. However, I think you have to use a legend like him to kick it with a kid like EJ.
There should be Vegas odds on EJ...

Stays on the team: +280
Kicked off the team: -120

O/U Rumors of his demise: 4.5

Eddie has a "Thug Life" Tat on his torso: -210
Eddie has sipped malt liquor from a bottle in a brown paper bag: -225
Eddie will deny the streets and join a Gospel Quartet on campus: +320
Eddie has 1 oz of sunshine in his life: +425
I guess my point is that Ray will probably be around Greentree a decent bit. Naturally, he'll be there to watch his son and obviously won't want to step on the toes of the LB coach or the D-Coordinator. However, I think you have to use a legend like him to kick it with a kid like EJ.

Interesting to see when coach does not allow family or media around greentree to start practice....last year he booted plenty of alum, that kicked off a storm with some...
lets see where ray falls...my bet he is a no show when told the rules
I didn't have a father / father figure in my life after the age of 1. What an opportunity to have someone like Golden and Lewis in your life.
I'm not sure what the facts are with EJ. A lot of posters talk like they have inside knowledge, but is anything accurate?
I know AG and the staff won't come out publicly.