Eddie Goldman

Seems like if its anything but Bama it will be a shocker to most from around the webz.

I will put 5 bucks in if it helps.


“No we're not going to take it,” Goldman's mother, Sharon Davis, said of the unused fifth official visit that her son has left. “We've been talking it over the last couple of days and we're getting close to making a decision on one of the four schools that we've already visited.”

That would seem to rule out two suitors for Goldman: California and Clemson. Cal had long been in the picture thanks to a close relationship with ace recruiter Tosh Lupoi. Clemson made Goldman a top priority but the two have lost touch over the last several weeks.

Goldman was originally intent on announcing his decision on signing day, Feb. 1, but Davis said the family is considering an earlier announcement.
Kid's from DC. Only Miami is a urban location among those four. Maybe that's ridiculous to say but I've seen it work in reverse where a rural kid just doesn't pull the trigger on Miami in favor of a more rural school.
i really think he have a legit shot at this kid. may be FSU in the end, but I think Miami and Golden will have him up all night thinking long and hard about what he really wants to do, which is really all we could ask for. if he doesnt pick UM, I just hope he doesnt go to FSU.
unfortunately, i just dont see it, even though this kid has a good shot to start for us from day 1. Maybe in the next year or 2 we'll start to be able to pull some of these national kids
Sharon Davis knew her son, Eddie Goldman, was a good football player. She just didn't know how great of a prospect he was.

"I don't know a lot about football," she said. "I've learned a lot these last couple of years."

Davis' latest lesson has been about recruiting. Davis knew that football would afford her son special opportunities, but she never realized just how bright his future on the gridiron could be. That all changed when the two took an official visit to Florida State in September.

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Davide De Pas for ESPN.com
Edddie Goldman. the nation's top DT, has is deciding between Alabama, Auburn, FSU and Miami.
"We sat and listened to the coaches talk about him," Davis said. "That's when I kind of realized how serious it was."
Goldman, a five-star defensive tackle from Washington (D.C.) Friendship, still remembers his mother's reaction.

"She was overwhelmed because that was the first official visit she went on and the first college game she's been to," Goldman said. "She didn't really know how to react. She didn't really know what to say."

The family still remembers the student section chanting for Goldman and holding up signs bearing his name. The visit definitely left an impact, although it's one that Goldman recalls with caution.

"Recruiting isn't real," Goldman said. "It's just people showing you their best. It's not how it's going to be when you go down there. I've still got to remind myself how good it was but at the same time know that that's not how it's going to be when I go down there."

After official visits to Auburn, Alabama and Miami, Goldman's family is a bit more hardened to the sights and sounds of an official visit. Emotions won't likely play a part but it's natural to wonder if distance from home might. Goldman admitted that it would be difficult for his mother to see him if he played football far from home but hesitated to say that would be a strong factor in his decision.

"It's just a game," he said. "If she can't see it, she can't see it. She always came to all of my high school games so there would be a part missing because she's not there but it's not a concern."

Goldman has it narrowed down to Alabama, Auburn, Florida State and Miami and one thing is certain: his mom and the rest of the family will play a key role in the decision.

"She's always been active [in recruiting]," he said. "She's definitely going to influence my decision, as well as my grandmother, my aunt and my father."

Davis has watched her son mature in the recruiting process. He's more comfortable now with interviews. Still, she said he's understandably growing tired of the recruiting process, and there is some talk that he could make his decision before national signing day.

"I think he's getting a little tired but it's just something that we're working through," Davis said. "I just have to constantly remind him that come February, it's going to all be over so just bear with it."

Wise advice. Especially from someone who was once taken aback by her son's recruitment.

"I had to learn everything," Davis admitted. "The only thing that I knew about football was a touchdown. Now I pretty much know his position, the kind of thing he does and what's good and what's bad."

"Recruiting isn't real," Goldman said. "It's just people showing you their best. It's not how it's going to be when you go down there. I've still got to remind myself how good it was but at the same time know that that's not how it's going to be when I go down there."

Wow. Smart kid. Good head on his shoulders

MY first day as a college player the coach lined us up on the goal line and said "For the last 12 months you have been recruits, you are now freshman" then blew his whistle, we ran til we puked.

"Recruiting isn't real," Goldman said. "It's just people showing you their best. It's not how it's going to be when you go down there. I've still got to remind myself how good it was but at the same time know that that's not how it's going to be when I go down there."

Wow. Smart kid. Good head on his shoulders

MY first day as a college player the coach lined us up on the goal line and said "For the last 12 months you have been recruits, you are now freshman" then blew his whistle, we ran til we puked.

"Recruiting isn't real," Goldman said. "It's just people showing you their best. It's not how it's going to be when you go down there. I've still got to remind myself how good it was but at the same time know that that's not how it's going to be when I go down there."

Wow. Smart kid. Good head on his shoulders

lol thats awesome.
If the family is as level headed as they sound it's gotta be down to Miami and Bama really.

Bama = great shot at winning and great coaching
Miami = four year starter, best education of the four (coaching remains to be seen...but Golden had a good DL at Temple and Wilkerson started all year for the Jets)

Auburn and FSU offer nothing IMO (besides cash)
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Sounds like a smart, mature kid. If academics matter there are three that don't pass the blush test.
If the family is as level headed as they sound it's gotta be down to Miami and Bama really.

Bama = great shot at winning and great coaching
Miami = four year starter, best education of the four (coaching remains to be seen...but Golden had a good DL at Temple and Wilkerson started all year for the Jets)

Auburn and FSU offer nothing IMO (besides cash)

Great point. I think the ability to win a title is overrated in some kids decision. Seems to me, playing time and proximity to home are the driving factors. I made a point of looking at bama's roster the other night and all but four or five starters were from Alabama. Point is you would think with bama's success they'd have kids from all over the country.
If the family is as level headed as they sound it's gotta be down to Miami and Bama really.

Bama = great shot at winning and great coaching
Miami = four year starter, best education of the four (coaching remains to be seen...but Golden had a good DL at Temple and Wilkerson started all year for the Jets)

Auburn and FSU offer nothing IMO (besides cash)

Great point. I think the ability to win a title is overrated in some kids decision. Seems to me, playing time and proximity to home are the driving factors. I made a point of looking at bama's roster the other night and all but four or five starters were from Alabama. Point is you would think with bama's success they'd have kids from all over the country.

Its hard to get a kid to live in Tusacloosa if he is from outside of Alabama. Thats why they throw the money bags around and have suit guy make them look like movie stars