Early signing period officially passes

The June signing period would make more of a difference. This would force bag droppers (as well as more "honest" programs) to make their evals and decisions a lot earlier. Theoretically, more bags would be wasted too if evals dont pan out and kids regress in their senior years or get hit with big injuries. I'm sure bag droppers have plenty of $$$ to use but no one, even fat tycoons, likes wasting money.

June signing period also allows a program like Miami to know if a kid is serious in his commitment. If you commit before June like half of our class, but dont sign in June, that's a huge red flag.

may have helped with A. Mcfarland from Maryland who switched last minute...Overall i dont think it makes much a difference. If anything the "bagman" is pronounced bc coaches are still focused on well...coaching finishing up in december and someone gotta make sure those recruits still come.