Early recruiting update

New staff putting us in great positions on the recruiting trail with all the local top prospects. If we win, they're in

I'm a firm believer that Telfort is all gator, he started off again with a whole paragraph about how he loves Gainesville and Randy Shannon

Z, always appreciate u bruh. I think after this season, ur going to start seeing kids clamoring for the U again. The Gaytards was just in the SEC championship game w a 1st yr coach. They'll come back down to earth, just like they did towards the end of last year.

They also got blown out in their last 3 games, and were lucky as **** not to lose to FAU and Vandy to end the season on a 5 game losing streak.

If recruits think that is a successful season, I don't want them here anyways.

Without a QB this year, they're looking at a 6-6 or 7-5 season. Their offense is going to be awful

Don't matter...I hear what you're saying, but I'm explaining y kids could be "interested" in the UF. Jimmy Mac could easily say in my first year, I got to the SEC title game, and we need u to win it all. That's a message that's validated.