Duke speed this year

**** this thread.

This thread is going to give our great fans another chance to take subtle shots at one of the best players in college football and one of the greatest real hardcore Canes of all time.

It happened after a program altering win, I guess I shouldn't he surprised it happens after a glorified scrimmage.

I haven't watched it yet but I definitely didn't feel good after that hit he took against UiF. **** had me limping around. He's tough as nails though just need him healthy because he's obviously our best player, and there's a significant gap between him and the next best RB on the team.

He's not that big. I tend to prefer somewhat larger backs.

lol a thread bout duke not being elite...is it his fault he got 23 carries against the three elite teams we played last year?
lol a thread bout duke not being elite...is it his fault he got 23 carries against the three elite teams we played last year?

Yes it is his fault that he didn't change the play calls and then take over the games by himself. Until he gets 179 yards against Alabama he's a JAG.
Its a little of both but Duke is a good back but his OL run blocking is like the giants right now. Gus though is a true in between the tackles runner and I like those type of backs, the same way Bama recruits them. We should turn in that direction at least 1 quick back and one bruiser with good to or elite speed.

Also I would have said the same that Duke isnt elite until he does it against Uf or fsu, but when u have a QB that has no accuracy like SM. All UF did was key on Duke and man up and make SM beat u. Thats what I would do as a D corch I would make SM beat me not Duke.
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Its a little of both but Duke is a good back but his OL run blocking is like the giants right now. Gus though is a true in between the tackles runner and I like those type of backs, the same way Bama recruits them. We should turn in that direction at least 1 quick back and one bruiser with good to or elite speed.

Also I would have said the same that Duke isnt elite until he does it against Uf or fsu, but when u have a QB that has no accuracy like SM. All UF did was key on Duke and man up and make SM beat u. Thats what I would do as a D corch I would make SM beat me not Duke.

Jesus Christ.
We are 3-0. We've beaten one of our arch rivals. We've scored the most points in a game EVER for a Miami team. We are nationally ranked for the first time in what seems like forever.
Now two of our elite talent players are getting disparaged.

Fuuck all you idiots.
Give me the name of a current college football running back that is elite?

Gurley. Yeldon.

Duke isn't at that level yet. Sorry if that makes some of you upset. It's the truth.

funny that u didnt include seastrunk on ur elite list. u just put the guys u see week in and week out tho

And id take duke over yeldon all day everyday......what because he plays for bama?

What did he do against va tech?
Duke has speed, he has football speed and he has that football sixth sense. He doesn't even need to see a hole, he just seems to feel it. On his long return he was in and out and back and forth and that is the only reason he was dragged down from behind.
Dont see why dude's are getting so bent out of shape here. No one called Duke a JAG or "disparaged" him. Duke IS an elite back, with great speed. Not the fastest in the country, but he's got amazing moves and is the "Franchise" right now for us.

I can kind of understand the OPs concerns a bit. I think Duke has struggled a bit to "break out", but where I differ is, I dont think its really his fault. Our OL, IMO, has been somewhat of a disappointment. For such an experienced and HUGE group, these guys should be just mowing down all but elite front 4s, and I just havent seen the holes Id like to see for Duke. The other problem, is that Duke isnt a big, between the tackles type back. He's more of a speed/shifty back, which makes it hard when you HAVE to put the entire running game on his back.

Im a huge fan of the kid, but I readily admit he cannot be compared to guys like Edge, Portis or WMac YET. I DO think he can become that type of legendary back here, but he needs the OL to step up, and some help from Morris and JColey to open things up for him.
is it me or has duke lost a step in the open field acceleration?
So he was caught from behind in that opening KO, but on his 43 yard run in the 1 st qt, he could have taking it to the outside ( Right) and should have tried to outrun the defender!
I m worried the extra weight might have slow him down a bit!
this situation reminds me of when clinton portis gained too much weight in the NFL and we saw his straight line speed suffer a bit! Just a thought or maybe im over reacting!

It's you, broken field running is getting missed, yeah speed helps and he has a passing gear but he sees the field and feels the gaps - something you can't learn or teach. He is however a bit fragile and shouldn't be the every play running back and I really don't like to see him going up the middle as much as he does - that's for Gus the Bus. You can't see the field from the middle.
As far as the UF game goes. Duke had a great first half, he was averaging 5 yards a carry at halftime. In the second half the coaches handcuffed him because they went ridiculously conservative. When you are running the ball on every first and second down of an entire half, your running back is going to have a poor YPC average. UF was stacking the box because they knew exactly what we were going to be doing. I can't use that game as a gauge to measure his ability.

Dont see why dude's are getting so bent out of shape here. No one called Duke a JAG or "disparaged" him. Duke IS an elite back, with great speed. Not the fastest in the country, but he's got amazing moves and is the "Franchise" right now for us.

I can kind of understand the OPs concerns a bit. I think Duke has struggled a bit to "break out", but where I differ is, I dont think its really his fault. Our OL, IMO, has been somewhat of a disappointment. For such an experienced and HUGE group, these guys should be just mowing down all but elite front 4s, and I just havent seen the holes Id like to see for Duke. The other problem, is that Duke isnt a big, between the tackles type back. He's more of a speed/shifty back, which makes it hard when you HAVE to put the entire running game on his back.

Im a huge fan of the kid, but I readily admit he cannot be compared to guys like Edge, Portis or WMac YET. I DO think he can become that type of legendary back here, but he needs the OL to step up, and some help from Morris and JColey to open things up for him.

Finally some level-handedness as opposed to the angry mob taking everything out of context.
Man I love Duke Johnson...He knows when to hit the "X" button on the joystick and turn up the speed

but I think he just a great deceptive runner, he is extremely patient, takes what is there and he does
not just hit a whole if nothing is there...

You can't criticize the guys speed man his style of running is very good...actually under appreciated....
cuz most kids his age does not run as well as he does...Kid is excite definitely going make an NFL team happy

Look at that kick off he took on the opening drive of savannah state...
Duke was never a burner. I'll never understand the amount of neck he got from people in the offseason on here. Comparing him to Barry Sanders. What the ****?

He is a very, very good player. I refuse to call him an elite college football running back until he has a big game against a top notch opponent. He has great moves, no doubt, but doesn't have elite speed, and seems to get dinged up a lot.

I love Duke, but this board overrates him. I'll probably get negged, but it's the truth.

4.3 40

Duke ran a 4.41 IIRC

What happened to that Duke? The sub 4.5 40 kid? Gorlden tried to make him into a Big11 back that's what the fvck happened.