Do anyof these loudmouth Miami fans critical of Duke actually go to the games? Let me guess.....
Well, I won a national championship in the NCAAs in tennis, so until Duke gets a ring, he should settle down!
Did he even suit up last night?
So this is where your incredible football intellect comes from?
Congrats on your championship, but I'm going to guess that Miami football fans are slightly more difficult to deal with after a loss than tennis groupies.
I stand by Duke and the U
I don't know. My doubles partner and I never lost, so we didn't have to deal with it.(63-0 our junior and senior years) But yes, Canes football fans are a bit more demanding than the zero fanbase I had
Ummm SEC fans are much worse to their only players than us. Ask Auburn players what they're being called right now. Starts with an N and ends with a igger.
Things could be much worse Duke. Get off the message boards or social media and focus on books and ball.
In case y'all are too **** stupid to get it, Duke is standing up for Dorsett who was being bombarded on Twitter with "kill yourself" "quit football" and "you cost us the game" comments. Pull your heads out of your asses.
In case y'all are too **** stupid to get it, Duke is standing up for Dorsett who was being bombarded on Twitter with "kill yourself" "quit football" and "you cost us the game" comments. Pull your heads out of your asses.
Unfortunate, but responding just gives the trolls more fire to do it again.