DT Board (Portal 2024 Edition)

These coaches ain’t great at evaluating so they are benefitting great through the portal. Portal saving a lot of corches lives since they don’t know what is great in HS. More power to them Lane did real well I think he knows talent but Norvell def don’t know wtf he’s doing in HS

Becoming more and more professionalized and specialized. Some programs will rely less on evals at the high school, more looking to portalers.

OT but related -- I'd love to see us have a boomerang agreement with an FCS team to send Jacurri to them for 2024 so he could get some game experience, then come back to Miami. Similar to way the FIFA football leagues work. I mean, why not? Can't call him up mid-season. But it would be a win/win.

Becoming more and more professionalized and specialized. Some programs will rely less on evals at the high school, more looking to portalers.

OT but related -- I'd love to see us have a boomerang agreement with an FCS team to send Jacurri to them for 2024 so he could get some game experience, then come back to Miami. Similar to way the FIFA football leagues work. I mean, why not? Can't call him up mid-season. But it would be a win/win.
Sounds like you are on to something, prove it there then come back. That’s actually a pretty crazy idea but wouldn’t shock me someone applies it.
Some random things that standout about Cook:

• Was the 2018 and 2019 state powerlifting champion
• Won the 3A state meet at 275 pounds, squatting 675 pounds, bench-pressing 390 pounds and dead-lifting 625 pounds

• Voted a permanent team captain by his teammates at MTSU

I tried to tell you he was scrong. New UM squat record.
Anyone left??
