2024 DT Board (2024 Edition) [Mario: This Time Its Personal]

Miami & Florida State are the top 2 at the moment, says both schools are tied and have shown him the majority of what he needs in terms of being a better player and man.

Auburn & Oregon are behind that top 2, set to take a visit to Auburn before dead period coming up.

His relationship with coaches will be his deciding factor and he has a good relationship with DL quality control analyst Gary Walker and with Coach Joe. Walker and Marshall speak everyday and Salave'a has spoke with him several times.

"The Hurricanes‘ staff has preached player development to Marshall, broken down his film and told him which areas he needs to improve the most (they say he needs to use his hips more to make him a complete defensive lineman). He said the staff wants to show him how they can help him improve, and he’s open to constructive criticism from Miami’s coaches."

Marshall is looking to visit Miami for the first time sometime this spring.

This is just sad

Go Canes

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Good work on these lists, man! Love it!

Ernest Willor is the guy I really, really want at DT. Maybe a little light right now, but he's an animal. IMG to the U Part II. Let's make it happen!
FYI, on tonight's show, Rasta says he believes Willor is coming to Junior day.

Both Rasta and Dave consider Willor a DT and not a DE also, so I added him to the OP.
Rasta was pounding the table for 24 DT Jordan Thomas on tonight's show. Say's he has to be in the class. Priority recruit. Very unusual for him doesn't normally take strong positions on lineman. Has had a UM offer for a little over a year.

We currently have Williams Nwaneri in the 24 DE board, but Rasta was considering him a hybrid DE/DT last night. If he continues to grow, may need to move him to DT.
We didn't make the Top 13 for Hevin Brown-Shuler who Rasta & Dave profiled last night

24 DT Aydin Breland from Mater Dei profiled by Rasta & Dave last night

24 DT Jowhar Franklin is coming to Junior Day. Has no UM offer as of now. Says he's the #2 DT in LA and #15 player in LA. Mostly HBCU offers along w/Mississippi.

Marcus Downs DT from SC. No 247 ratings. Was previously offered by Guidry at both Marshall & Tulane. HOWEVER, several of the big $EC boys have offered too (UGA, Auburn, Arkansas).

This program will never be what it should be without landing DTs. I’m aware they have tried hard but they need to find a way. There’s no reason for lack of success there.