All in all. It's like when someone bring shtty beer to a party. One side of you is like "What is this sht?" But then you're like, "Fck it, the btch was free"

That's how I feel about DSJ. Thanks for the free brews.

I'd say I'm 51% sure he's a troll. The picture AND the retiring of the screen name. Guess we'll see tomorrow...

This simply cannot be ignored. There's a lot of conjecture, a lot of circumstantial evidence he's a troll, but this is what convinced me.
When Surtain ends up at Bama, does that mean I can never be ban since I brought correct info and proved Sileo to be the troll?

You decided the terms of your ban. Not him.

He put out the betband then disappeared. That’s weak. I still stand by my answer and want to be rewarded with a crown of lifetime board access without the possibility of ban. Let’s do it!
All in all. It's like when someone bring shtty beer to a party. One side of you is like "What is this sht?" But then you're like, "Fck it, the btch was free"

That's how I feel about DSJ. Thanks for the free brews.

Glass half full mind set. Pun intended