Drug Use, Addiction, & Society (f/k/a Chris Graves (enters the Portal))

I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or not, but a new article from The Atlantic just dropped about Oregon “decriminalizing” hard drugs in 2020, & now citizens want it criminalized again. Lol. I haven’t read it, but the timing of it based upon the turn of this thread is wow.
BrooklynDee went into that a bit and I didn't want to turn that into the main focus but yea what happened there is atrocious... Everyone wants to scream "Defund Police" till it hits their doorstep, then it's "Someone call the police!!!".....
I see videos from there where people park their cars and leave all windows and trunks open so thieves won't break their stuff while stealing ..... That's just one example.... Freaking sad to live that way.....

I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or not, but a new article from The Atlantic just dropped about Oregon “decriminalizing” hard drugs in 2020, & now citizens want it criminalized again. Lol. I haven’t read it, but the timing of it based upon the turn of this thread is wow.
I was in Portland last week and seattle I regularly get to and it's a hot mess out there. There's reasons behind that saying be careful what you ask for. People often don't care to open their eyes to what's going on in the world. Their happy to live in ignorance opposed to seeing a path towards change...
I was in Portland last week and seattle I regularly get to and it's a hot mess out there. There's reasons behind that saying be careful what you ask for. People often don't care to open their eyes to what's going on in the world. Their happy to live in ignorance opposed to seeing a path towards change...


Bro, during The MLB All Star Game, they kept mentioning how The City of Seattle needed this. I took from that the city had been hit hard by some depravity. In L.A I see hella folks w/ Oregon license plates on the Motor Homes camped out all over. Hella drugged out.

I used to do a lot of community service down Skid Row, I’ve had many conversations w/ former addicts; u know what’s ironic? 100% of them said they started w/ weed to relieve stress, then it gradually went into something else b4 it was too late hitting rock bottom. Didn’t matter the back ground; some were from the hood, while others worked at companies like Northrop, Coca Cola.

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Bro, during The MLB All Star Game, they kept mentioning how The City of Seattle needed this. I took from that the city had been hit hard by some depravity. In L.A I see hella folks w/ Oregon license plates on the Motor Homes camped out all over. Hella drugged out.

I used to do a lot of community service down Skid Row, I’ve had many conversations w/ former addicts; u know what’s ironic? 100% of them said they started w/ weed to relief stress, then it gradually went into something else b4 it was too late hitting rock bottom. Didn’t matter the back ground; some were from the hood, while others worked at companies like Northrop, Coca Cola.

EVERY drug is a gateway drug IF you also introduce the right(wrong) factors into the equation. People aren't built for real stress any more because most don't recognize the situation they're in until it overtakes them. Combine that with the stigma behind any form of counseling (which doesn't REQUIRE the introduction of drugs) & you're ****ed before you even begin your journey. Life isn't supposed to be simple. But now society would rather be caught up in social media opposed to simply BECOMING SOCIAL...
EVERY drug is a gateway drug IF you also introduce the right(wrong) factors into the equation. People aren't built for real stress any more because most don't recognize the situation they're in until it overtakes them. Combine that with the stigma behind any form of counseling (which doesn't REQUIRE the introduction of drugs) & you're ****ed before you even begin your journey. Life isn't supposed to be simple. But now society would rather be caught up in social media opposed to simply BECOMING SOCIAL...

EVERY drug is a gateway drug IF you also introduce the right(wrong) factors into the equation. People aren't built for real stress any more because most don't recognize the situation they're in until it overtakes them. Combine that with the stigma behind any form of counseling (which doesn't REQUIRE the introduction of drugs) & you're ****ed before you even begin your journey. Life isn't supposed to be simple. But now society would rather be caught up in social media opposed to simply BECOMING SOCIAL...

Stigma… huge problem….
I hear you and without sounding like I don't have empathy for addicts, I don't believe in punishing the majority because a minority develops problems.

We can't just outlaw everything that's bad/unhealthy. Obesity and the health issues related to it are a much bigger problem in the US but we can't just make sugar or fat illegal.
Lol obesity and sugar kill more people and cause more of a financial strain on society than drug users. Would love to make it illegal 😂

This is a pretty off topic conversation though
EVERY drug is a gateway drug IF you also introduce the right(wrong) factors into the equation. People aren't built for real stress any more because most don't recognize the situation they're in until it overtakes them. Combine that with the stigma behind any form of counseling (which doesn't REQUIRE the introduction of drugs) & you're ****ed before you even begin your journey. Life isn't supposed to be simple. But now society would rather be caught up in social media opposed to simply BECOMING SOCIAL...
Totally agree on the being social part... Pretty soon it's gonna be illegal to even say hello out loud in public...
Life doesn't have to be difficult but just seems like a lot just forcefully make it that way... It's messed up...
I was in Portland last week and seattle I regularly get to and it's a hot mess out there. There's reasons behind that saying be careful what you ask for. People often don't care to open their eyes to what's going on in the world. Their happy to live in ignorance opposed to seeing a path towards change...
Jumping on this thread late and haven’t read all the discussion. But I 100% agree with this point. You can decriminalize but you still need to regulate and govern. Anarchy and vigilantism do not work. Sounds good in theory like communism but it never works in practice. People should be able to do what they want for themselves but the public interest needs to also be protected.
Millions of people around the world use drugs and alcohol every day without developing addictions or having them negatively affect their lives. Don’t punish people because a minority of them can’t handle themselves.
Millions of people in this country are walking around like zombies because of drugs.
I did...................then "Forgot" what I read....
half baked weed GIF
Several studies supporting the negative effects of cannabis on the developing brain. Especially young men.

However, they really haven’t done that manny and there are a lot of variables involved and you also have to ask who funded the studies

As far Lil Wayne goes, let’s just say that weed is low on the totem pole of what is causing his memory loss and I’ll leave it at that.

Alcohol by leaps and bounds has caused and continues to cause more damage in all facets of life and society than any other illegal drug.

I’m not gonna get into the topic of why prohibition ended or why it was instituted to begin with. But you cannot argue with the fact that people were killing themselves in broad daylight during prohibition for control over their legal alcohol trade. Since we live in a society that forgets about history just look up the Saint Valentine’s Day massacre. What about pictures from the famous black and white photographer Weegee. He was photographing aspects of the criminal underworld back in the day. He’s got plenty of pictures of people that were just whacked in the middle of the street both at night and in broad daylight in front of everybody.
Violent crime that’s associated with an illegal trade that’s extremely profitable sees no race, color, creed or religion.
Some of the most violent crimes committed in our society, were committed from the poorest immigrants from all facets of life. We’ve had Italian, Irish and jue ish mobsters in this country killing people with automatic weapons in the 20’s.

Coffee.tea, sugar, cigarettes and alcohol combined dwarf the drug trade.

As KRS-1 said
“illegal business controls America”