Drewny1 = Dan Sileo Jr.

DsJr was the goat I got to give him his props had me thinking we were closing with every body last cycle all the American heritage 4 guys plus that DE at fsu and the one in Texas he had me sold
DsJr was the goat I got to give him his props had me thinking we were closing with every body last cycle all the American heritage 4 guys plus that DE at fsu and the one in Texas he had me sold

Would you be interested in purchasing the Brooklyn Bridge? Since you are a Cane fan I will hook you up with a great price.
Funny theory. But DSJ’s grammar was far superior than Conch’s.

DSJ’s troll job was so good I would buy him a beer for it.
Really just joking about that...but amazing how so many people can be suckered by these guys...myself included.
We need somebody to commit to the U. This **** like this thread is maddening.
The similarities are endless. He’s pulling our whole fan bases leg rn.

Dan Sileo Jr. is the goat and his trolling worked so well last time he wants to do it again

Be cautious of drewny1
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people he didn’t exist. Drewny1 isn’t him.