Don't shoot the messenger (Tracy Howard Update)

Florida has a good defense but the Gator fans aren't too pleased with Muschamp.(I'm a gator trust me). If you can believe it the far more stable place is Miami. WHEN the Gators have another 6 win season or 7 wins they might railroad him out of there.

Fixed it for you

wheres Lake Lewis when you need him


Is it possible to grow up a Canes fan(going to all of there games) but yet going to the University of Florida? Florida is a pretty **** good school. BTW I have season tickets so grow up everyone.
new to the boards but hope howard pulls out the pen and signs with the U as his school, got to work all day tom but will be keeping tabs all day on the canes...golden and staff are working there butts off with this class props to them.
Derek Tyson tweeted awhile ago that Howard has not made up his mind and is torn between UF and Miami.

ruh roh.
UF mods not confident with Howard at all, btw

this will be a close call but looks like this one will go to Golden as of today
Is it possible to grow up a Canes fan(going to all of there games) but yet going to the University of Florida? Florida is a pretty **** good school. BTW I have season tickets so grow up everyone.

Yes, it's okay. Home is where the heart is, right?

I'm still reppin' the Gables.
Lulz at the "as of right now, period...." Sounds super confident. We are getting trolled hard. So many outs for everyone.
I know trolling when I see it

this will go down in the history books for recruiting trolling right up there with Big Conch