Donell Harris (New Thread)

Exactly i would have took UGA and UF bags and still came to the U
To me i think kids do this but what keeps them there to sign is the jobs and homes. Thats what can make u sign at a place.....bags they can take and waste. Its those things like jobs and homes which last longer then 100 racks

Think y'all blowing the Stevenson comments out of proportion. That feeling happens alot to kids when they leave home for school, regardless of how good it is. I get it though, y'all still mad at him
Nah.. only mamas boys and ******* feel like that. I went 1100 miles away from home to UM and couldn’t have been happier
Judging by your approach to life, you married the fat girl from high school huh?

Nothing wrong with some Chunky Luvin, that's were 50% of the players you root for come from. If I had married the fat girl from HS, I would beat the breaks off her Poontachat twice a day the same way I did when we were high school. #GoBigOrGoHomeAlone

Go Canes

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The UGA article highlights:

The 6-foot-6, 205-pound outside linebacker put in a visit to Athens not long ago that assured the Bulldogs would get one of those coveted trips.
“Coach [Austin] Armstrong explained to me a lot about what I would play there if I were to come to Georgia. He worked me out, and I loved it. It was intense," Harris said. "I actually worked out with the linebacker corps at Georgia, and they pushed me to my max. I actually didn’t get to tour around, but I saw the weight room. It was huge. I didn’t get to see the rest of campus, because we were pressed for time.”
But this visit wasn't exactly anything new for Harris.
“I’ve been to Georgia plenty of times. I know how the atmosphere is there," he said. "I know how humid it gets, the rain, and I’ve got family there. Half of my family is from Georgia.”

He's also got several contacts already in Athens, as well.
“I played against all the Miami guys my freshman year, and I played against Tyrique [Stevenson] my sophomore year. I know most of them, like James [Cook] and Divaad [Wilson]," Harris said. "Tyrique says it’s been the best experience for him. He says he does want to come back home, but he likes the experience up there. He’s just going to ride it out.”


"He's just going to ride it out"

Look I'm not a bag pumper, but this is a clear case of a kid "riding out the bags" in bumfvk GA.

And I don't blame the kid or UGA. Take the money! Give the money if you can get away with it. Just a shame that the NCAA is not proactively thinking of ways to bring cash flow to the players.
Think about it like this: if a Top 3 team has to pay big money to steal a kid from a 7-6 Miami team, how hard will it be to recruit against an 11-win Miami team producing first rounders?

I’ve been arguing with diehard friends of mine about this for years. Even Boston College produces Top 3 Round picks and they haven’t won **** in ages. What always separated us was WINNING - AND - DEVELOPING 1st Round Talent. Kids could see themselves being the next 1st Rounder and playing for NCs.

We have to get back to being Miami. A Number 1 Pass D with no Top Picks is easy to recruit against.
I agree with the father 100%, there’s no way a program can be serious about my child if they haven’t talked to me yet. Seems like he’s just like every UM fan wondering why we’ve been wasting talent? But like the saying goes “win baby win!”
I can't understand why it took so long for the staff to reach out to his parents. To me, winning over the parents is the 1st rule of recruiting. Richt knew that and excellwd with parents. This should be a layup for Manny & Co as he observed Richt for several years.

The father is correct about recruiting. Winning and development are the two biggest issues Miami must resolve.
Do you know how many parents do this??? More than you think. It's done if they feel the kid isn't maturing at a rate that they feel they can handle the promotion. Many parents do this not for athletics but to get better results academically. Smfh

I agree with the first part but not for the second. Absolutely a lot of families do this (not talking about for athletics, either). As for academic results, that's a very questionable claim and the data is very ambiguous as to whether or not there's a correlation b/w the 2.

So to recap on the most important things I read:
1. Staff must do a better job building a relationship with Harris parents
2. We must win this year
3. We need to put more D Line prospects in the 1st 2 rd of the draft.
4. The bagman doesn’t matter? Ok. I call BS on that one.

Lesson #129387 in learning how to interpret recruit/recruit family quotes. If you've followed the game for a long time, you'll know how things translate to real talk. When a recruit or recruit's family is listing a litany of excuses as to why their kid will not be going to UM, it's a bag decision - plain and simple. All this excuse making is pretext for "we'll always make something up b/c I need an excuse as to why I'm going to another school that does not involve bags." It's clear as day on this one.
No, bro so you're telling all the S.flo kids yeah go to Georgia, Alabama, Ohio state and when you not happy up there we are going to be here for you to fall back on come on dawg thats stupid...stay up there or go somewhere else
No message is being sent because they still will go to those schools regardless. Fck the hard feelings, get talent like i said
No message is being sent because they still will go to those schools regardless. Fck the hard feelings, get talent like i said

So you don't think if Stevenson wants out it could effect how other S.flo kids start looking at some of these schools like maybe I should stay home. If you take him now I think its weak bro and kids will think I'll go to these schools and I can always come back, no f that if you leave thats it we moved on its too late.