Donell Harris (New Thread)

I see he favorited the tweet but I didnt see him retweet it.

You may be right Brock, can't remember...Didn't think it was necessary either way.

Booker T hasn’t been kind to us anyways. So I’m fine with Cooney doing that.

False, more good than bad with Booker T...Some heartbreakers? Matt Thomas/Kirkland? Oh most definitely

But how about Brandon Harris, Eduardo Clements, Chad Thomas, Antonio Dixon, Mark Walton...T. Collier wasn't bad before the transfer, etc...And couple other JAGs/kids who transferred out were from there as well.

If I was presenting a case against bags school taking south Florida’s best talent this would be exhibit a. So much evidence points to this kid being on the hunt for a payday it’s crazy. I wish him well man, nothing is stopping the revival of the U.
So Mr. Harris Sr. said in his interview, that Miami was and is still his and his son's number 1 choice, and his son was Miami's to lose. so like 2 days later your son comes out with a top 5 and doesn't even include Miami? ! You and your son are both liars, and whatever the Miami fans throw your way, both of you deserve every bit it. you can't insult a fan base and expect no backlash, especially Miami fans. very unclassy the way that you and your son have handled yourselves. both of you are an embarrassment to The "U" , Peace Out
I don’t think they’re dropping bags. I think they’re trying to get the teams to drop bags. As someone else said, it seems a little desperate. More of a front to drum up bags. I’d shut it down as far as camps go. Only going to hurt him. Let his hype speak more than his play. Or he’ll end up at none of those schools.

You are correct. He wants bags. He’s not getting bags.