Donell Harris (New Thread)

Not sure why we are all still arguing about whether the staff talked to the father. It's already been established that until recently, the mother has been the parent involved in the recruitment. If there really is parental discord - a divorce, separation or whatever - it's very possible the staff DIDN"T talk to the dad because the mother was the parent involved. No matter what is going on in the house, the father knew his son had committed to Miami and had obviously been up on campus at least a few times to visit with the coaches, etc. The first time he stepped foot on campus was last Saturday. That's on him, no one else.

It's clear he is in charge at this point. After reading the interview he gave to Rivals, I have no doubt he made it very clear to our staff they need to keep him in the process.

We will see what they do - how bad they want this kid.

And personally, I'm not buying that the plan all along was to reclassify. I call him out on that. It's pretty strange no one had any idea that was going to happen - every school was recruiting him for 2021. I'm not sure if it was suggested to them , if they were advised to reclassify or if that was his idea to get his kid on the path to the League sooner, or what.

If he stays at Booker t no chance he’s reclassified but if/when he transfers to Gulliver that would be his best chance

I mean unless you know the kids personally this is exactly what a fan is. As a fan I hope the kids get treated nicely etc (because I’m a good person in life) but yes all I really care about is Miami winning because they are the sports team I chose and I get joy out of winning.

Not sure how that’s a god complex that’s a fan complex.

You obviously know the family so I understand your point of view and frustration with fans, but have the kid go to a SEC school with a higher volume of people that dislike individuals if they aren’t white. Miami is one of the more accepting fan base on color, race etc, but we also hate kids that play the game and don’t come to Miami.

All other schools have the exact same fan feedback that you’re calling a God Complex, which I think is a poorly used term. So knowing the family and kid don’t just hate on Canes fans hate on all fan bases recruiting this kid

I don’t know them but I definitely respect your opinion on it. Good points
If he stays at Booker t no chance he’s reclassified but if/when he transfers to Gulliver that would be his best chance

Okay. Ivins mentioned again recently that it's his understanding Donell has a fair amount of on-line work to do to technically be "caught up" to reclassify. So it sounds like we'll have a good idea of where this recruitment is in the next 4-6 weeks. I would imagine he has to have the work completed before the next school year starts in August.
I think it's great that dad is involved. Many kids come from single parent homes where all this falls on the mother. Been there, done that.

It does seem a little strange that dad seemed to get involved late in the game.

I'm not a mind reader and don't know any. No one knows what dad's motives may be. That being said, because of all the circumstances that have occurred and discussed, the perception is that bags are a major consideration.

All we as Cane fans can do is read dads statement and try our best to interpret what his motives may be.
If dad wasn’t involved and not around for whatever reason and mom was handling his recruitment and that’s who UM thought was the parent in charge, then that’s not on UM or UM’s fault. If they are led to believe dad isn’t really around or involved and now all of a sudden he is, no **** UM hasn’t talked to you. Why don’t you give manny a call or drive 15 mins over to UM and introduce yourself and give manny your phone number and let manny know you’re now in charge of jrs recruitment?

Again, assuming there was some
Change in parental control.
If he doesn’t classify he’s ****ed he might have to go play out of state like Jobe did
Depending when his birthday is he can play till he plays 19. So he can play most of the season and stay down here. If reclassifying doesn't work out
so why didnt he get involved earlier if the rumors of the mom running the recruitment are true? he just happened to get involved now? also, i cant imagine holding your kid back intentionally. that, imo, is awful parenting (again if true).
I’m buying it bc it’s not my first time hearing it.

I believe it to...He was a reclasisfied never been on campus....when were they gonna have much dialogue with him?. The underclassmen contact is through coaches and kid...and they likely spoke with the mother. Realize no home visits or anything have been made for thi skid because technically he was suppose to just becoming a junior.
If dad wasn’t involved and not around for whatever reason and mom was handling his recruitment and that’s who UM thought was the parent in charge, then that’s not on UM or UM’s fault. If they are led to believe dad isn’t really around or involved and now all of a sudden he is, no **** UM hasn’t talked to you. Why don’t you give manny a call or drive 15 mins over to UM and introduce yourself and give manny your phone number and let manny know you’re now in charge of jrs recruitment?

Again, assuming there was some
Change in parental control.

THATS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED?. Some of yall are crazy legitmately dont want a dad to play a part in what college a kid attends...because your a Um fan?. The w3orst part about is an obvious cane fan so regardless we'll always be in play.

**** these top 12 bull****. If it’s over 5 then don’t even bother. A team is supposed to now think it’s worth extra effort due to a 8.3% chance lol. That’s just a general complaint though. No hate for Donell because he is just doing what people around him are telling him is the right thing
I mean unless you know the kids personally this is exactly what a fan is. As a fan I hope the kids get treated nicely etc (because I’m a good person in life) but yes all I really care about is Miami winning because they are the sports team I chose and I get joy out of winning.

Not sure how that’s a god complex that’s a fan complex.

You obviously know the family so I understand your point of view and frustration with fans, but have the kid go to a SEC school with a higher volume of people that dislike individuals if they aren’t white. Miami is one of the more accepting fan base on color, race etc, but we also hate kids that play the game and don’t come to Miami.

All other schools have the exact same fan feedback that you’re calling a God Complex, which I think is a poorly used term. So knowing the family and kid don’t just hate on Canes fans hate on all fan bases recruiting this kid
UF just dogged a kid worse than Miami fans would have. They called his phone supposedly