Donell Harris (New Thread)

It is and should be a concern? Says who? Who has said it is a concern? Which recruit? You’re clueless as usual.

Did you not read the OP? go back to your hole and contemplate your ignorance for that posting.

Go Canes

You're wrong, period. "You don't offer kids two pennies if you are winning" then proceeds to list every big bag school. Just bc he says that, doesnt mean it is the truth lol. That was his way of trying to cover up the fact they are looking for a bag.

I’m wrong? Lol. Slap urself. The schools mentioned have been winning. This inferiority complex of the almighty bag narrative is ridiculous and needs to stop. Bags have been floating around since 4ever. Did that stop us back in the day? Let me be VERY clear w u; WE’VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO COMPETE W BAG SCHOOLS! Do u think this is a new phenomenon? It’s been highlighted b/c of these jits on social media, but have u been living under a rock??! Bags have been flying way fly since birth, so what’s the difference? If bags helps u sleep at night to justify recruiting failures, then god bless u. I deal w reality; reality is we’ve stumbled on recruiting b/c we’ve been irrelevant. The moment we show any life, we get kids HENCE I used the example of our 2018 class.
It's a dumb question. Akron has had 16 players ever drafted since 1960. But yeah let's hold Stroud to some impossible standard while there.

Why was he coaching at Akron if he is so good? Why was he a strength coach before Akron rescued him?
I have yet to figure out why coaches don't recruit the entire family. Dad makes some valid points from a parent and fan perspective. Everyone wants to be recruited from the members of the family and the players. Give them all some attention.

Win and he is in. Plain and simple.

That is what you got from that interview?

While I do agree with you to an extent let's not act like when we were winning there wasn't a guy named nevin Shapiro running out of the tunnel with our team. All the great teams in college football pay there top players and it been like that for a very long time

I was waiting for this to be brought up.
Nevin’s “bags” compared to what these other guys r offering was peanuts, literally. The amount of money Nevin, allegedly” offered is lunch $ compared to these tycoons out here. If we were losing, not pumping out 1st round picks Nevin wouldn’t mean chit, honestly
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Nothing wrong with what SR said... everything he said we discuss here at nauseam.

Only thing I did have an issue with is worrying about who else we recruit. Brings up that 3 star argument again... you want to miss out on the bandys, zions, and pincks is the recruiting world?
It's a dumb question. Akron has had 16 players ever drafted since 1960. But yeah let's hold Stroud to some impossible standard while there.

And his time at Colorado State! Okay lets look at apples to apples lets say La Tech dline coach Rick Petri who since his arrival at La Tech in 2015 has had in 2016 DT Vern Butler drafted in 1st Rd and in 2019 had DE Jaylon Ferguson drafted in 3rd round. both schools are on the same level and both coaches have been coaching for decades on difference is Coach Petri has produced several NFL players were as coach Stroud was a 3 and done.

So you hold onto that bullcrap about the Akron handicap holding Coach Stroud back from producing talent. Parents and recruits are gambling Millions of dollars when they chose a school an more importantly the current staff at said school. So they want to see recent results that predict similar or better results in the future.

Go Canes
Why was he coaching at Akron if he is so good? Why was he a strength coach before Akron rescued him?

You do realize he had an incredibly debilitating condition and was going to the Cleveland Clinic for treatment - why don't you grab a **** map and see how central Akron is to all of the clinics before spouting off like a moron. It's also immaterial to the discussion.
I'm a diehard UM fan and Id do the same with my son if he ever becomes a D 1 prospect, dad's not the greatest at expressing himself. LOL at tthe porsters saying if hes good hed get drafted anyway... The right school gets you drafted higher. Not mad at the dad but you can tell he likes being in the spotlight a little, no need to do this interview or explain that much. He wants to open up his croot ment and see whats out there. Nothing wrong with that, he followed the blueprint... COmmitt to miami get attention and then decommitt and see who's offering best package. I aint mad
And his time at Colorado State! Okay lets look at apples to apples lets say La Tech dline coach Rick Petri who since his arrival at La Tech in 2015 has had in 2016 DT Vern Butler drafted in 1st Rd and in 2019 had DE Jaylon Ferguson drafted in 3rd round. both schools are on the same level and both coaches have been coaching for decades on difference is Coach Petri has produced several NFL players were as coach Stroud was a 3 and done.

So you hold onto that bullcrap about the Akron handicap holding Coach Stroud back from producing talent. Parents and recruits are gambling Millions of dollars when they chose a school an more importantly the current staff at said school. So they want to see recent results that predict similar or better results in the future.

Go Canes

Man you are dense

UGA doesn't get DL drafted high = no biggie
Miami doesn't get DL drafted high = **** them

The Stroud comment was simply to point out he actually HAS had high draft picks. Something UGA cannot hang over Miami's head in particular. This isn't a discussion on how good Stroud may or not be so you're making this into something it's not.
I was waiting for this to be brought up.
Nevin’s “bags” compared to what these other guys r offering is peanuts, literally. The amount of money Nevin, allegedly” offered is lunch $ compared to these tycoons out here. If we were losing, not pumping out 1st round picks Nevin wouldn’t mean chit, honestly
Nevin wasn't the only person giving bags just the only one that was brought to the public. We were paying recruits a good amount of money. Maybe not the level kids are paid now but back then it was a lot
And his time at Colorado State! Okay lets look at apples to apples lets say La Tech dline coach Rick Petri who since his arrival at La Tech in 2015 has had in 2016 DT Vern Butler drafted in 1st Rd and in 2019 had DE Jaylon Ferguson drafted in 3rd round. both schools are on the same level and both coaches have been coaching for decades on difference is Coach Petri has produced several NFL players were as coach Stroud was a 3 and done.

So you hold onto that bullcrap about the Akron handicap holding Coach Stroud back from producing talent. Parents and recruits are gambling Millions of dollars when they chose a school an more importantly the current staff at said school. So they want to see recent results that predict similar or better results in the future.

Go Canes
La tech and akron are not on the same level. La tech is a much better program. And he only coached the d-line at colorado st for a year.
Why is King Slayer so angry?

I think I am just looking at all these threads hoping and praying @IndayArtHauz brings down "the ****** Hammer" (BTW I am hoping he is ****** cus then it might get awkward) on this complete Sapingo who is either trolling or has a serious issue with latinos in Miami or is just a very special special little boy who forgot to wear his "special" helmet.

Either way still doesn't change the fact this ******* es un trememendo comemierda y sapingo!
Man you are dense

UGA doesn't get DL drafted high = no biggie
Miami doesn't get DL drafted high = **** them

The Stroud comment was simply to point out he actually HAS had high draft picks. Something UGA cannot hang over Miami's head in particular. This isn't a discussion on how good Stroud may or not be so you're making this into something it's not.


I know it's been a while but a quick search and you can see the talent Stroud has put out in the draft in his last DL stop.

I understand the building new relationships with the new staff part though.

You still arenot answering the question of whom did Stroud even have sign a NFA contract from his time at Akron or Colorado State in the last 13 years?

Take your time , I will wait!

Go Canes
Nevin wasn't the only person giving bags just the only one that was brought to the public. We were paying recruits a good amount of money. Maybe not the level kids are paid now but back then it was a lot

So we were a bag school? Come on bro; u’re better than this. If we’re being transparent, every school has some “incentives.” HOWEVER, winning, getting me drafted in early rounds, player development....that supersedes everything. We love winners, keep it 💯.
The last time we won 11 games, we signed the #3 recruiting class in the nation.

Tell'em DMoney. A lot of these posters because we got a new coach and catchy new slogan and a cheesy new catch phrase "Enter the portal!" they think 2018 never happened and we didn't go 7-6.

Our fans want to hide behind the cloak of "Doesn't matter. If you love Miami, then you should come to Miami no matter what even if we are losing" talk even though half of them canceled their season tickets after last year and threatened to boycott if Richt wasn't fired. My how times have changed.
This is a typical don't feed the trolls case and you all are eating it like birthday cake.