Does FSU getting treated like a group of 5 school hurt our recruiting?

I'm fortunate enough to have a connection to a guy who coaches at the top level of Georgia HS football. The ACC has been an albatross around the neck of every school recruiting top players for more than a decade. This is just going to be more fuel to the fire.

No. Because FSU got left out due to a Pac12 and Big12 team being let in the top 4. That never happens in the future.

Also there is no more 4 team playoff after this year.

Also, F$&@ FSU.
One thing has nothing to do with another. By this logic, then all SEC, Big 12, PAC 12 (2024 anyways) would have higher recruiting ranking classes than us just by association. This is not the case. If there was even a smidgen of direct correlation then you would think we would have had at least one decommit or flip to these other conferences after the CFP announcement. None of that has happened. If Miami does everything right and the effort leads to results on the field, then we will be regulars in the 12 team playoffs.
Our future and past is not linked to F$U, theirs however is linked to us. They would be nothing without Miami.