The quality of trolls has really dropped on the site. My 9 yr old niece has more football knowledge than this clown.
For somebody to ask if a football scholly player can run track, just shows that they know absolutely zero about college football or the Miami Hurricanes.
Answer the question then pendejo...If I asked it, obviously, it's bc I don't know the answer, genius. You know what? forget it ****, go play with your 9 year old niece instead.
Plenty of *** wipes here that want to question your knowledge, and not answer your question. It is really simple . . . I don't like your question I move on without commenting . . .
To answer your reasonable question, football players can run track. The rule at question is actually a "Miami" NCAA rule. When we were on probation we had a few kids come to Miami on track ship, that were also able to play football. It circumvented the rules apparently.
How many players have we had, big time players, that have slid over to track and run events, over the last 10-20 years. Plenty. And it's not a secret. Even casual fans know that. There's nothing stopping a football scholarship player from running track and this is common knowledge.
To not know this raises suspicion, especially with someone that just started posting, and also with all the recent influx of trolls.
But you go on being the stellar mod that you are.