do u know anyone that knows nothing about sports?

I mean literally nothing. Example: I live in Miami. Everyone here knows about the game six Allen 3 pointer. I work with a guy that had no idea that this occured. I can't say he's ghey cause even the gheys here know about game six. Even worse I joked around about how the Heat lost the championship and he believed it.

Well, if someone owns a television, it is almost impossible not to hear some "news" or something when channel surfing. A lady friend of mine asked me last night if the basketball season had started. She had heard something on TV about the Heat going for a third championship. She was wondering if they were playing the championship last night or whether they had already won two and were now embarking on a quest for a third at the beginning of a new season. She asked, "But isn't this football season?" I told her yes, but that the seasons overlapped.

Two women I work with know only what assails either their ears via TV or their eyes via the internet. Lots of people care zero about sports, but hear things about it just in the course of their daily activities.

There were about ten years, from the early seventies to the early eighties, when I didn't follow sports at all. During those years, I could not have told you who had won the Superbowl, the World Series or anything. This after following sports avidly previous to that. I had nothing against sports; I was just more interested in other things. I remember passing someone reading a newspaper in about 1977 or 1978 and seeing a headline about Willie McCovey hitting a home run and getting a brief feeling of nostalgia - "Wow, he's still playing." That was about the only sports factoid that I became aware of during those ten or so years.
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Plenty of women know nothing about sports. Much more rare for a man to not know anything about sports. They run in certain veins. I race, and sizeable number of racers know racing, but absolutely nothing about team sports. Racing is everything to them. I know racers who couldn't tell you that FSU is the Seminoles, and UM is the Hurricanes. Pretty bad. Scientists can be the same way.
some ****** got more important **** in they life to be worryin bout than some ****** fighting over a ball.

yall talk like sports is the most important **** in the world. quit playin.
My wife doesn't know Babe Ruth from Clive Walford. The only exposure she gets to sports is through me. She wants the Canes to win because I'm easier to live with. That's all there is though.
Literally just met a guy who was hanging out with a friend of a friend when he was introduced to a guy named Connor. They started talking and he finds out that the guy plays qb in South Carolina. Eventually he googles him and finds out it's Connor shaw. Never even heard of him before
That woman that wrote the article before the Florida game calling Miami their "little brother" and how they would stop our *** and be done with us for the foreseeable future. She doesn't know anything about football, but that's not her fault. The game has only been around since 2006.
Worst yet are native Miamians, supposed UM fans (even went to UM) but don't know **** about the team.

There's this guy I know in DC who grew up in Miami and I'm pretty sure went to UM in the early to mid 90s. We were shooting the **** at a party once and we started talking about UM football. He mention how he's a fan. He started dropping names like "Jessie Armstrong" and the like. My reaction...
