DMoney: Fire Erick Marrero

Nobody is wanting for you to be anything.. your true colors showed.. even your attire in that photo screams gaytor.. the fact that CJ Henderson is your "boy" makes so much sense.. your just like him.. you hang around canes, show up to practice, talk em up, claim to be a cane, but once a decision has to be made you spurn the canes to run around with f a gs up north

Listen stop with your garbage. I've been a Miami Hurricanes season ticket holder since 2009. I've stuck with this program since the beginning and I will always stick with this program till the day I die. I haven't seen one memorable moment from the canes since last season bowl win. I was one of only 20 people inside of Hard Rock Stadium when Miami was getting destroyed by Clemson while you probably left the stadium, so do me favor and shut the **** up

Lmao you don't get points for sitting in a stadium longer than someone while our team is getting raped (especially in south florida).. nonetheless i'm just busting your balls bro i'm not as mad as others.. i forgive and forget most of the time.. i will forgive you for gaytor admiration and continue to read and appreciate your insight.. but i will never forget that you've displayed signs of homosexuality!

You're good bro, One Love. We're 3 days away from GameDay
Go soap each other up in the shower with a gator loofah.

LMFAO, Classic!
This kids is gaytor loving ***aloon. I can't believe how soft some of you "Canes" are all of a sudden.

He is what we thought he is and you psussies let him off the hook.

Fvck u with your **** grammar and **** syntax. Fvck your misspelled words and you inability to properly conjugate anything in English.

Finally, fvck all your ***aloon "friends" up in ***aloonville. I bet you wear a sharkskin thong just hoping.....
This kids is gaytor loving ***aloon. I can't believe how soft some of you "Canes" are all of a sudden.

He is what we thought he is and you psussies let him off the hook.

Fvck u with your **** grammar and **** syntax. Fvck your misspelled words and you inability to properly conjugate anything in English.

Finally, fvck all your ***aloon "friends" up in ***aloonville. I bet you wear a sharkskin thong just hoping.....

UF = The University of ***aloon
F$U = ***aloon $tate University
I do love it when a teenager claims to be a "season ticket holder since 2009" as if he paid for them and not his daddy.
My biggest thing was that yea he wanted to support his friend and ok maybe send a tweet saying so.

But to send soooo many tweets with each one of them portraying his love for the turds then the topper changing his header AND BRAGGING ABOUT IT ASKING HIS **** BUDDIES HOW THEY LIKED IT was the end for me.

You can't say your a Cane fan and then go throw all that SHT out over social media extolling how great the turds are.You ain't a Cane fan young man.No way no how.

NO TRUE CANE would ever say anything positive about UFAG.

You fCked up and showed your true colors and if Pete keeps you around CIS will become a laughing stock having a first class **** fan writing articles on this CANE site.

That's just my feelings....kid doesn't belong here.Go join Stampini on Turdbait.
How'd he get a job here in the first place? He writes like dogshyt...And people thought I was crazy when I called him out for that fellatio he was pulling with Henderson last January...He thought him and his "friend" Hendu really had this cute little understanding and were playing cats on twitter. Then Hendu really played him and signed with UF. Made Marrero look like a total clown.

But yeah all those tweets are a suckfest, get some pride and quit sniffing your "friends" jocks kids.
He's been a ******* Gaytor for years. He's always drooling over 16 year old kids that committ to the Gayturds. Fvck him and Fvck that school.
I'm ok with the jokes and the memes that does not bother me, but never call me a gaytor fan. Only Canes make it out of the swamp alive

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I can't trust a guy with his pinky sticking out like that, screams ulterior motive.

Hmmm, that pinky sticking out is a little suspicious. Looks like he is trying to make a V. Maybe that's a code. But for what? Maybe to show his allegiance by secretly referencing a TV show. But which show?


My God, it's lizard people!
Word of advice to young Erick. Know your audience. This place is only for diehard Cane fans. You are writing for diehard Cane fans. We are always, ALWAYS on the lookout for a fifth column- the infiltrators who intentionally spread misinformation and sow disorder. If you say something nice about another school, you are going to get crushed. If your boy is your boy from back home and wears another uniform, your best choice is to de-friend, but if you don't, and want to publicly give him "atta-boys" (or give him a handy, whatever special relationship you have is between the two of you) then don't apologize, as that only compounds disloyalty with weakness. It's a Fredo move. Don't be a Fredo.

13 pages of this?

I agree the tweets were ill advised but you guys really have nothing better to do than **** on an 18 year old kid?
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