2024 DL Kamarion Franklin

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Yeah, that’s my guess as well. My sense is that ghandi saw what was coming with Barney, Scott and Stewart and assumed it would happen with everyone else. I mean, it could still all fall apart but Lightfoot seemed to be a surprise to some. Let’s see how we do with jones, Franklin and breland.
Maybe he just got fed up with everyone coming at his head and calling him a sunshine pumper just because some commitments went the other way and now decided to take a different approach and set a “everything is burning” expectation, so CIS can actually feel happy when we do get commitments, like with Lightfoot.

To me the big thing on Lightfoot was Wilfong's comments that he got word of Ligthfoot on Friday and that we flipped him on our visit. Not only was it life but we finally beat Taint for a recruit were we were both in their top 5. Im assuming they are now going all out for Stewart.

Stewart & Houston (#13, & #28 overall players and DEs)
To me the big thing on Lightfoot was Wilfong's comments that he got word of Ligthfoot on Friday and that we flipped him on our visit. Not only was it life but we finally beat Taint for a recruit were we were both in their top 5. Im assuming they are now going all out for Stewart.

Yup. Is that our first head to head win over Taint?
We beat them for more than that but Im talking down the stretch and both schools are finalists. I dont recall Taint being one of the finalists for Samson, I know it was MSU and UF, but maybe Im wrong. They definitely wanted Samson though.
Yeah, that’s my guess as well. My sense is that ghandi saw what was coming with Barney, Scott and Stewart and assumed it would happen with everyone else. I mean, it could still all fall apart but Lightfoot seemed to be a surprise to some. Let’s see how we do with jones, Franklin and breland.
The issue is with the insiders breaking to the mope brigade after Scott. Barney and Schmo and the other losses are irrelevant IMO, it's all about whether or not we're landing the ELITE players. But somehow they all got lumped together, and coaches looked like they were caught with their dycks in their hands.

I personally believe Mario and staff overestimated their chances with a couple of their top targets, and are now scrambling to recalibrate the full pipe. It's going to be tough freaking slogging going forward. But saying that is not losing faith in Mario. The guy is relentless. He will land a Top 10 class, but the real work is only started. I don't envy him but I know he'll come through.

Meanwhile, CIS insiders ALWAYS overhype the upside. Even during last year's class, the world fell out when we didn't land guys like Connor Lew and of course Cormani, even though we still landed the #7 class and any objective observer would say it was our best class on paper since 2008 and digging deeper is more talented than even that class.

In summary, we're too bipolar on here, often driven by hype and despair cycles that our own insiders create. It's good for clicks. But it's really bad for morale. I prefer less drama and more objectivity on here.
I’m tryna understand how it didn’t come off as real?

This is coming from someone who’s actually from The Bity, The Gang Bang Capital of the world, seeing first hand what happened to L.A, Compton, and y Gang Violence ramped up in 80’s by like 500%.

I mean it was pretty **** accurate, & if imma keep it 💯, everyone knows how the CIA used “the war on drugs” to fund covert ops. Between crooked cops who were on payroll, THE REAL PJ PROJECTS they were in, families turning on each other, etc etc it was **** accurate.

Maybe if u lived in L.A u would be able to better appreciate it. Also, remember Franklin was a smart kid that got turned out. I can tell u two of my homies who r no longer here were straight nerds in middle school (3.83 & 3.71 GPAs when we graduated & I was the bad influence). Both went to good HS, & by the time they graduated HS, got hella turned out. U wouldn’t even think they were about that tool life, but the $$$ & girls turned them into monsters.

The end lesson also showed how living that life leads u down a destructible path, & my uncle can tell u how he went from Beamers & Benz to a cell, strung out, broke (and thank God he found a good woman, sober living & is now a community activist helping those on the streets)

I love The Wire, ppl know about The Wire & the realism (Also “We Own This City” is hella dope which is also true about B-More & happens sometime around the Amsterdam scene of The Wire), but don’t think Snowfall was on some theatrical chit. L.A was really like that, & if imma be honest, ain’t never recovered.
When I was in the Marines we met some girls in Riverside at a place called the Metro.
We get back to the barracks and find out they lived of all places: Compton.
They were Mexican chicks and we were Hispanics from different countries.
We didn’t know sht about LA and we thought they were lying cause we thought Compton was all black. My boy actually married one of them.
Sure enough they lived real close to one of those concrete signs in the median that says “welcome”.
Anyhow, they really broke it down about how much things changed. Especially the aunts and uncles. They said Compton was mostly white in the 60’s and when black families started moving in (middle class black people) it scared the sht of the white home owners and real estate agents spread the fear of homes losing value. They said that was the cause of the property value drop and Compton became a place for renters instead of owners.
Then the businesses started moving out.

He said it took about 5 years but then Compton became mostly black with a few small pockets of Mexicans and even whites. But it was still a very nice place to live in the 70’s and crime was low despite the gangs.
It wasn’t the projects. It was single family homes with yards and bbq and birthday parties according to them.

But crack devastated the place and like you said it still hasn’t fully recovered.
This happened a lot in many black suburbs that were mostly middle class working black families.
Crack was and still is a mfing nightmare in the community.
The issue is with the insiders breaking to the mope brigade after Scott. Barney and Schmo and the other losses are irrelevant IMO, it's all about whether or not we're landing the ELITE players. But somehow they all got lumped together, and coaches looked like they were caught with their dycks in their hands.

I personally believe Mario and staff overestimated their chances with a couple of their top targets, and are now scrambling to recalibrate the full pipe. It's going to be tough freaking slogging going forward. But saying that is not losing faith in Mario. The guy is relentless. He will land a Top 10 class, but the real work is only started. I don't envy him but I know he'll come through.

Meanwhile, CIS insiders ALWAYS overhype the upside. Even during last year's class, the world fell out when we didn't land guys like Connor Lew and of course Cormani, even though we still landed the #7 class and any objective observer would say it was our best class on paper since 2008 and digging deeper is more talented than even that class.

In summary, we're too bipolar on here, often driven by hype and despair cycles that our own insiders create. It's good for clicks. But it's really bad for morale. I prefer less drama and more objectivity on here.
I haven’t overhyped ****. I’ve literally posted nothing on Scott or Stewart for months other than I never bought It. Nothing more.

Rather than using one big brush to paint all the “ insiders “ how about call them out by name ? I know why y’all don’t but still. You lump everyone together even though we all have different info , sources and takes . Let’s be real when people hear “ insiders” I’m one of the first names they think of and that’s why I get annoyed by the use of that title.
When I was in the Marines we met some girls in Riverside at a place called the Metro.
We get back to the barracks and find out they lived of all places: Compton.
They were Mexican chicks and we were Hispanics from different countries.
We didn’t know sht about LA and we thought they were lying cause we thought Compton was all black. My boy actually married one of them.
Sure enough they lived real close to one of those concrete signs in the median that says “welcome”.
Anyhow, they really broke it down about how much things changed. Especially the aunts and uncles. They said Compton was mostly white in the 60’s and when black families started moving in (middle class black people) it scared the sht of the white home owners and real estate agents spread the fear of homes losing value. They said that was the cause of the property value drop and Compton became a place for renters instead of owners.
Then the businesses started moving out.

He said it took about 5 years but then Compton became mostly black with a few small pockets of Mexicans and even whites. But it was still a very nice place to live in the 70’s and crime was low despite the gangs.
It wasn’t the projects. It was single family homes with yards and bbq and birthday parties according to them.

But crack devastated the place and like you said it still hasn’t fully recovered.
This happened a lot in many black suburbs that were mostly middle class working black families.
Crack was and still is a mfing nightmare in the community.


Ahhhhhhh man, u’re fa sho good w/ me champ. Bruh, Metro was our chit in college. Real hood rat chit that became offffff the hook when more & more ppl from the hood found out about it. Shoot outs & everything, & hella STDs ran wild up in there from the ladies of night partying up in there. GOOD TIMES! Lol

But seriously, both Inglewood & Compton were All White. If u were a person of color, in order to come through u had to have a work pass, & be out at a certain time. As more and more Blacks & Latinos started to migrate through, big businesses packed up their chit, & left (hence, the Great White Flight of the 70’s).

With no business & work opportunities, the streets became easy. Freeway Rick Ross (The Real One) will tell u himself how the gov’t knew what was what. He regrets what he did the community, but it was fast, easy $$. Ppl get fooled by L.A. U go to parts of Compton & u’ll be like **** this is nice, only to find out it’s infested w/ gangs. Same w/ Inglewood, & other areas in L.A County.

I can unequivocally & passionately tell u there’s parts of Inglewood, Compton, L.A City (Central L.A) that STILL have abandoned crack homes, buildings, from the late 80’s bro. It’s wild af to me to see places I knew that were shut down, shot up, burnt up when I was like 8. I’m 41 & them jawns r still deserted. The gangs that rose up went from killing for territory, to killing for revenge & its seeped to generations today.

I saw this youngin taggin, introduced myself to him & neighborhood. B/c of how I look & talk he didn’t believe me, so I FT’d his big homie who’s my bff & he was like oh ish. Lol. I asked him did he know what he was doing; baby didn’t have a clue. He didn’t know the history, how it started, any of that. I just told him as a Black man to Black man I want better for him, & that living to the age of 23 shouldn’t be a goal, it should be expected.

The lasting damage of the crack era in L.A left irrevocable damage to the communities.
I haven’t overhyped ****. I’ve literally posted nothing on Scott or Stewart for months other than I never bought It. Nothing more.

Rather than using one big brush to paint all the “ insiders “ how about call them out by name ? I know why y’all don’t but still. You lump everyone together even though we all have different info , sources and takes . Let’s be real when people hear “ insiders” I’m one of the first names they think of and that’s why I get annoyed by the use of that title.
You've been pretty up front that you've kind of stayed at arms length during this cycle. You still get info, but that you weren't deep into like you were last cycle. At least that's what I remember seeing.
I haven’t overhyped ****. I’ve literally posted nothing on Scott or Stewart for months other than I never bought It. Nothing more.

Rather than using one big brush to paint all the “ insiders “ how about call them out by name ? I know why y’all don’t but still. You lump everyone together even though we all have different info , sources and takes . Let’s be real when people hear “ insiders” I’m one of the first names they think of and that’s why I get annoyed by the use of that title.
now that you've gotten that out of the way, to which i 100% agree with you. Who we gettin? J/K Cribby. I enjoy your takes and info.
I haven’t overhyped ****. I’ve literally posted nothing on Scott or Stewart for months other than I never bought It. Nothing more.

Rather than using one big brush to paint all the “ insiders “ how about call them out by name ? I know why y’all don’t but still. You lump everyone together even though we all have different info , sources and takes . Let’s be real when people hear “ insiders” I’m one of the first names they think of and that’s why I get annoyed by the use of that title.
Who else u aint buying?
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