2024 DL David Stone [commits to Okla] ENUFF

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@lindend - you know what to do. There are is chicken wing debt at stake.
oh, I've been watching this thread closely. @Coach Macho hasn't had his own prediction thread (yet). If he comes through here though, he will.


Fans gonna cope. Other schools are always accused of doing something shady by this board whenever a talented player chooses to go elsewhere

Now, the O$U board says they do it the right way and don't get into bidding wars with schools like Miami.

I'm getting confused by all the conflicting claims.
This is why the recruiting business can survive. You can spread lies and bs for months and when you‘re proven wrong just say “ the market was reset“. Now the tricky part with this one is if Miami wins out , did the market reset its self again?
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Ahhhh, you're speaking about the newest market reset on top of the newer market reset...
I hate to do this, because I’ve been saying all along in this thread, “don’t do it to yourselves, fellas“ but I looked up this 305 E. Main St, Norman, Oklahoma and it’s a pizza place that’s been permanently closed down for a while I guess.

View attachment 273569

Now what might be the logical answer and conclusion is that they opened up this unused space for his signing ceremony, but then you might say “why use a vacant pizza place for a signing ceremony?“.

Who knows?

But if you want a conspiracy theory with meat on its bones, this is it.

I mean, he picks a place at “305” East Main St. - that’s closed permanently?

If this is a troll against Oklahoma, he better not set foot in that state for maybe a couple of years. Holy ****, could this be possible? Or am I just fantasizing here?
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