2024 DL David Stone [commits to Okla] ENUFF

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Like, its so obvious he got a heavy last-second bag. Not even in NIL, just a straight up bag.

The whole family was in shock.
Nah i think he just wanted to go to oklahoma, he said his family wanted him at miami and he almost picked us because of that. But he had a convo with his mom and she said do what makes u happy and ultimately he wants to be at OU.

He’s use to Walmart it’s what they do nothing else
I witnessed it there raised in this life , OU probably said no more Walmart if you leave or the movie house . This stunned Stone at last second was crushing the thought of it .

His mom knew he needed to break free from a Walmart life to grow as a young man , but it was to much and OU knew this .
Now Stone is smiling he kept nothingness existence like in Nebraska same life if your raised in it.
Yes bag 💼 involved for sure just something to ease moms pain if her son making the wrong decision.

Texas in the Red River shootout with destroy OU by fifty points.

Then he’ll know, excellent portal pick and Stones to the list .

At the end of the day, he isn't a Cane.

Sucks to continue getting kicked in the ****, but we're kind of used to it.

The important question is who else are we actively recruiting at DT (enough of the ******* whales, Sea World is closed)?
Man, it just seems like we can’t catch a break with DT and QB recruiting. Overall, I’m very pleased with our recruiting efforts across the board, except for those two positions. Heck, even our WR recruiting has picked up tremendously under Beard. If our offense has the kind of year I’m expecting I believe that should start to attract some more elite QB prospects, but I don’t know what we can do about DT. Very frustrating…
I'm perfectly fine. Ur the one who insinuated that I was some kind of ignorant porster.

Btw, Stone doesn't want to be just any ol' doctor. He wants to be a neurosurgeon. One would think, with the football variables being relatively equal, that a meaningful difference in the quality of med schools would win out. Hence my question.

IF Miami's med school and opportunities through U Health are considerably better than what OU has to offer, and this kid is too timid to leave mommy and daddy to take advantage, I'm not sure I'd want him touching my brain anyway.
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It’s not always true but the vast majority of time your mother knows best…. The whole family being on board with him getting the **** out of OK only makes it even more eye opening. But I agree hope their gut feeling ends up wrong if he goes to Norman

Shiiid I’m all for mom being on our side. It just rarely and I mean rarely happens for us. In life though we have to make our choices for us in certain situations. When married we gotta remember we have wives and children at home. So every decision made affects not only us, but them. Now in his case this is a decision that doesn’t carry that weight. He knows the area and what awaits in OK.

This was a personal choice that was made a long time ago. When Jackson committed it sealed the deal. Don’t remember OK being a heavy favorite for him, but Stone telling him he was leaning that way. Made it easier for him to choose them. Knowing he would have someone there.
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This is just the beginning of the story here for Mario. He will get great DTs here in short order. The man will not relent. He is a program builder.
This. This recruitment will go down to the wire. We need to focus on the season now. Let's focus on getting 8+ wins this season then revisit this recruitment in December.

Miami (OH) on the clock. Brick by brick.
Don't stop recruiting him until the blood dries.
Another reason why I couldn't be a College HC.

If a 17/18 year old disrespected me like this I wouldn't **** on them if they were on fire. Meanwhile we're meant to continue recruiting him and position ourselves to be the first in line should he ever transfer.
I don’t care what it takes but pay Patridge whatever he wants to come down to Miami. We’re obviously not getting these DT’s from these SEC teams. At least get one of the best coaches, developers, and eyes for talent.
To be frank, this is what I had expected Mario to do from the jump. The DL coach is of paramount importance when it comes to attracting top tier talent and in order to compete at an elite level we must have elite DTs. Mario knew this better than anyone as he has stated on numerous occasions that a team must be built from the trenches outward.
To be frank, this is what I had expected Mario to do from the jump. The DL coach is of paramount importance when it comes to attracting top tier talent and in order to compete at an elite level we must have elite DTs. Mario knew this better than anyone as he has stated on numerous occasions that a team must be built from the trenches outward.
How would you feel about saying goodbye to Joe and making Coach O the new DL coach? The way he’s hanging around the program lately he’s practically on the staff already. I know he has some “off the field” issues at times but I the trade off is worth it.
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