Going old school here so bare with me lol. Don’t know who the new ‘it’girl is..
You have a life long hard on for Halle berry and she never pays you the slightest bit of attention... knows all about you but you’re not good enough for her and has even said those words to your homies...
All of a sudden in comes Jlo and she’s loving you up big time and wants the world to know how she feels! You two are talking daily and of course you’re feeling her! Then guess who shows up like everything is all good? Do you just drop jlo and go to Halle?
I know that’s a female analogy but you get my gist. The kid LOVES Miami but there’s a good chance Miami doesn’t LOVE him! Everybody wants you when you’re hot... That’s why I say this shouldn’t be a contest but in the end it’s gonna come down to if Miami can feed him enough BS to make him think they really covet him the way UGA has for a good while now... PS- he was never slowplayed.... He never received ANY play! Big difference!