Did Jeff Thomas leave the team

If one misses a ship deployment, dey fcukkked. I was just talking about oversleeping a work shift. lol

Cue my old man yelling at clouds voice: "KIDS TODAY, I TELL YA!!"

l know a bunch of guys that missed ships movement. The penalties really aren't that bad (maybe lose a stripe on the 2nd offense) until you become an NCO then it's a big deal.
No idea about today. I've been retired for almost nine years. I was mostly general practice with some PI and Sports and income was never a problem.
the business is tough now.. but so is the business of healthcare in general. The PI laws changed recently, along w insurance reimbursements, so a practice has to have ancillary services or go md/dc to make up for it.

Still a lot of high volume cash guys that make money, but u probably got out at the right time.
That guys doesn’t know jack from outside you can gather on this message board. What he’s saying could be correct because everyone has already heard the name Pope (5 Star), Ezzard (4 Star) but he has no inside Cane I do just trolling
There are plenty of headcases in the NFL. He will make it no matter what.
They weren't quitters

Make no mistake about it, if JT does leave the team it's a REALLY bad thing for him. His only way out would be to transfer to ILL, sit out the year, then play a year. All the while he can use the homesick/missing kid claim, but he better keep his nose clean. If he leaves this is what his NFL combine will look like:
Team Reps walk in:
Jeff you had a great combine, but we have a few questions for you.

Why did you quit your HS team?
Why did you have to be talked out of quitting your freshman year?
Why did you quit your sophomore year?

Thank you for your time Jeff.

Team Reps walk out.
Richt has turned this team around 360 degrees from the sorry state of affairs that Golden left it in.


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