Did Jeff Thomas leave the team

Still not absolutly confirmed but rumors are swirling that Thomas, Harley, Pope, Ezzard, Williams, Weldon and Lingard are all leaving the program. Out of those names, Thomas, Williams and Lingard we can absolutely not lose and if they do leave, this staff needs to be questioned and not left off the hook for this debacle.
Where are you getting Lingard from?

Someone tell me it's going to be fine! Sigh, we will never be a legit and stable program ever again. It's taken us 15+ years still and we get the same crap.It's not that fn hard to figure out how to win here.
Kids are tweeting left & right, no QB development after yr 3, split locker rooms, guys who are not draft ready looking to leave by any means necessary, nepotism, coaches blaming kids v. taking ownership, lack of cohesion...I mean I can go on and on.

Prime example of a program in disarray. I don't see how Richt can come out on top of this.
The transfer rumors are all people freaking out over UM pics being taken off of social media(which players have done on and off all year). Last week our fans complained our players used social media. It’s just something different each week for everyone to ***** about.

Only reason I could see all these recievers possibly leaving is if dugans is leaving. Hopefully Jeff Thomas is just having a bad couple days and will come back for the bowl game.
I have seen videos and pictures of Williams, pope, Ezzard with the team in the last day or so. Williams I’m rhe last few hours. If they are leaving they for sure haven’t left yet. Also, Thomas is the only one who’ve deleted everything Miami on his social media.

Ezzard did too on his IG.
To get back to 10 wins we are going to need some talent men dedicated to building the program. Kids worried about playing time as freshmen will not help the cause.

We get it already. You want everyone to believe Richt is lazy, racist, stubborn, and a downright poor human being. Typing it on a message board does not make it so. Richt is guilty of losing football games. Don't trash the person.
Kids are tweeting left & right, no QB development after yr 3, split locker rooms, guys who are not draft ready looking to leave by any means necessary, nepotism, coaches blaming kids v. taking ownership, lack of cohesion...I mean I can go on and on.

Prime example of a program in disarray. I don't see how Richt can come out on top of this.
His contract will keep him here
Nobody at this point. Kids are kids and have people in their ear telling them all type of nonsense.

You complain about NOT playing, but you're going to sit out another year voluntarily? Makes zero sense.
Who said he would be sitting. Could go FCS... Could also try to get a hardship waiver (family) if he went to Mizzou who has a wide open offense.