Did Jeff Thomas leave the team

As a coach u gotta be able to manage egos. When Randy started having talented kids transfer i knew it was over for his regime. This is the beginning of the end of the Richt era

Part of what makes Saban successful is being able to break kids down and build them back up. When you do that, the ego corrects itself.
Some of you need to just calm down & remember that we suck regardless. In 24 hours, you won't even remember this. Focus on that succulent spiral ham, which pairs oh so well with the broccoli casserole..Think about those desserts.

Oh my, tasty pie.
QB play is finally improving.
Just got 10 targets and had a blow up performance.
There's only one home game and a bowl left to go.
Can go through all of spring/fall practice, play in FOUR games and if things still suck he can still transfer and redshirt.

If true this isn't about Richt's offense. There is something else going on.

There definitely Is something else going on, but Richts offense has to be part of JTs calculus on this. But whatever else is going on.... i Wonder how much of it is related to cmr. U can’t let your best player up and leave.