Diaz tweet

Would seem so weird to welcome JT4 back like this after all of that. From JT having to do a bunch of things in order to earn his way to a full twitter celebration?
This is the craziest **** I’ve ever been a part of on the internet. And I lived through Napster
Just in, I took a picture of the portal
Come on, it's nothing more ridiculous than some of the other suppositions out there, like a new volleyball transfer or Diaz announcing that he has taken the Miami job.
Oh ******* no! Not going to drain that fetid body of water.what about the duck **** that is slathered over everything. If the wildlife could leave on their own they would have left after the first Natty. But build it if you must, but that ******* building better be a Monster. The Rock holds 63+, gonna need 80+with room to grow. DONT **** IT UP.🤗🙌🏿
I guess it is possible but I don't see Manny making a huge deal over a kid who left the team. Coming back probably has conditions. I doubt one of them was a twitter tribute.
Manny is about being successful and this offense needs a shot in the arm on offense and JT4 is special. He managed to look special even with Richt calling plays and Rosier being QB when he was out there.