Diaz comments on team after first scrimmage

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Dude give me a break! Your anti Tate agenda is stronger then any other agenda on this board! Seriously, you of all people shouldn’t be pointing fingers. Smh

i want the best QB to win. ive said that theyre all even based on EVERYTHING ive read and listened to. the part that bugs me is saying hes this or that without the evidence (this goes for Jarren who from all reports is the best passer, but has his own issues off field that hold him back and he hasnt been nearly as sharp in 11 v 11). perry we know struggled but im willing to give him a chance to improve. IF tate is the guy, then i love it. i liked tate on QB1, as well, and ive come out and said i thought going in that he would run away with the job. im glad it hasnt happened bc that means the other 2 didnt give up the moment he transferred here. ive also said whether or not he starts, the best thing he did was make everyone else work harder.
I'm as critical of Perry as anyone, but come on.



The defense put us in position and he had a few big time throws. I don't think he 'put the team on his back' with 40% completions.

Credit where credit is due though on those throws.
The defense put us in position and he had a few big time throws. I don't think he 'put the team on his back' with 40% completions.

Credit where credit is due though on those throws.

D changed the game w the short field following the Fourth down TD throw to Cager i think. he still made a great throw to JT donw the middle and the throw to Brevin was sweet.
Are you plugged in? If so spill
He’s carving himself a niche as nfl personnel guy with multiple scout connections. And, of course, these nameless and faceless random scouts are at every UM practice and closed scrimmage.

Pinkazz then comes here to report in cryptic unverifiable terms the scouts’ reports. Notice he never says anything concrete, which is the telltale giveaway ofthe fake insider.
Dude give me a break! Your anti Tate agenda is stronger then any other agenda on this board! Seriously, you of all people shouldn’t be pointing fingers. Smh

I didn't even notice that he had an anti-Tate ageda. What did he say/do?
My fiance is a taint fan and I've watched a **** ton of their games the past several years.

They use that short passing game and gimmicky crap to the edge to get the LBs and Safeties to start playing over aggressive then hit intermediate and deep **** using similar looks. Honestly just simple straightforward concepts that are well executed and disguised.

Helps to have superior line talent in 95% of their games. They get in trouble if they run up against a team with disciplined players on D and adequate athleticism.
Like how they ran into trouble when they faced the vaunted Michigan defense of last season?
I didn't even notice that he had an anti-Tate ageda. What did he say/do?

i dont. apparently saying tate hasnt proven anything same as jarren is anti tate. theyre all talented, theyre all even (well see how they are in rotations in practice). if our OL is god awful, tate likely starts tho i think its short sighted if the coaches dont believe hes the best man for the job (tho i dont think enos would do that). if were going by the best passer, its jarren and tate is third (this has been said by many people not me so if you think its anti-tate you need to go hit up a practice big guy). perry i think is the most physically talented player but that only takes you so far. all the reports up to the scrimmage have been that theyre all up and down. guess its anti-tate.
He’s carving himself a niche as nfl personnel guy with multiple scout connections. And, of course, these nameless and faceless random scouts are at every UM practice and closed scrimmage.

Pinkazz then comes here to report in cryptic unverifiable terms the scouts’ reports. Notice he never says anything concrete, which is the telltale giveaway ofthe fake insider.

What do you mean? He informed us that Bandy was our best DB but was undersized. How could he have known that info if not coming directly from his NFL plugs that are at all of our practices?
I don't know that he's inherently anti-Tate. He just seems to put waaaayyyy too much stock into the reports from media personnel that are relegated to watching throwing warmups during the first period of practice after stretching

thats alll we have to go by is the problem. i did go to a pracitce, but they didnt do **** in that one. i do think going by what people see (media included) is better than hypothesizing off old footage that wont necessarily translate.
thats alll we have to go by is the problem. i did go to a pracitce, but they didnt do **** in that one

That may be all we have to go by, but that's not all the coaches have to go by. So, the declarative assumptions you're making as to the rank of each QB in every facet of their game seems very premature and likely misinformed.

BTW, in case it's not abundantly clear, there are a few who have greater access and D$ is one of them

Yet another fanboy ****ing contest about how so-and-so should win the QB competition.

Y’all ruin every thread with this horseshlt. Give it a fūcking rest.

This thread is about the overall scrimmage.


Even DMoney, said one had a very slight edge. Yet he wasn’t even there. So it’s second or third hand information from him. From a person(s) who may have their own bias. An Dmoney’s already said before he thinks that his guy already had a slight edge. But to top it off, he even admitted it’s still a race. No one here knows. No one here was there.

So guess what. No QB has been crowned. So stop your catfights about the starting QB. It’s no one yet. You’re ruining the thread

Man, shut your **** mouth with this cheesy mall cop act.

It’s totally fine for fans to argue about the quarterback battle on an internet message board during the offseason.
That may be all we have to go by, but that's not all the coaches have to go by. So, the declarative assumptions you're making as to the rank of each QB in every facet of their game seems very premature and likely misinformed.

BTW, in case it's not abundantly clear, there are a few who have greater access and D$ is one of them

agreed, and again theyre all opinions. ive said D is a little too homer for me off previous pods. hes entertaining tho lol. i do think 5 rings is good. you take the cumulative of it all and tate is their hunch, but as you said they only see what the media sees. i dont think anyone is seeing anything behind closed doors. again, if D still had that same access, this site and many others wouldnt have blundered the OC hire that manny kept hidden.
i want the best QB to win. ive said that theyre all even based on EVERYTHING ive read and listened to. the part that bugs me is saying hes this or that without the evidence (this goes for Jarren who from all reports is the best passer, but has his own issues off field that hold him back and he hasnt been nearly as sharp in 11 v 11). perry we know struggled but im willing to give him a chance to improve
Actually if you listen to coaches and people plugged in there it’s not even. It’s your personal agenda that keeps saying there even. All the other TOS have said Tate has won the majority of the practices so far, that he keeps the chains moving and may not have the prettiest ball but it gets there and also adds a dynamic that the other qbs don’t have. Also majority of reports are he won the scrimmage as well or atleast looked the best of the 3. And that dynamic helps off set a shaky oline. Remember the point of the game is to move the chains so you have an opportunity to score. And further more your QB is your leader on and off the field and all I hear you saying on here is who cares if he worked out harder, who cares if he studied more film! Are serious right now, that’s what it takes to be a a big time qb! It’s far more then just having a strong arm or a guy like Jamarcus russel would have been the best this game has ever seen instead of its biggest bust. I don’t recall Brady or Montana having canons but they sure did set the example in the work ethic in the study room and weight room because that’s what leaders do. Further more it’s about discipline and maturity, something Kosi and Jarren are clearly lacking. And before the comment about Kosi experience and leading the FSU come back, let’s not forget he was so aweful In that FSU game that we even needed a miraculous come back and let’s not even get into the Virginia game. And you know why he looked like a deer in the headlights that game and majority of last season, because the kid clearly spent no time in the film room setting the example and was lazy and thought his big arm will win the day. In high school that works but not in big time cfb. But In face of these facts please cont with your agenda, as it’s crystal clear to everyone in here. Smh
agreed, and again theyre all opinions. ive said D is a little too homer for me off previous pods. hes entertaining tho lol. i do think 5 rings is good. you take the cumulative of it all and tate is their hunch, but as you said they only see what the media sees. i dont think anyone is seeing anything behind closed doors. again, if D still had that same access, this site and many others wouldnt have blundered the OC hire that manny kept hidden.

Having access to practices does not equal having access to the inner workings of the coaching staff, Athletic Department and BOT.

Posters whose usernames start with a D tend to have more access to practice than the media does. That much is for sure.
Actually if you listen to coaches and people plugged in there it’s not even. It’s your personal agenda that keeps saying there even. All the other TOS have said Tate has won the majority of the practices so far, that he keeps the chains moving and may not have the prettiest ball but it gets there and also adds a dynamic that the other qbs don’t have. Also majority of reports are he won the scrimmage as well or atleast looked the best of the 3. And that dynamic helps off set a shaky oline. Remember the point of the game is to move the chains so you have an opportunity to score. And further more your QB is your leader on and off the field and all I hear you saying on here is who cares if he worked out harder, who cares if he studied more film! Are serious right now, that’s what it takes to be a a big time qb! It’s far more then just having a strong arm or a guy like Jamarcus russel would have been the best this game has ever seen instead of its biggest bust. I don’t recall Brady or Montana having canons but they sure did set the example in the work ethic in the study room and weight room because that’s what leaders do. Further more it’s about discipline and maturity, something Kosi and Jarren are clearly lacking. And before the comment about Kosi experience and leading the FSU come back, let’s not forget he was so aweful In that FSU game that we even needed a miraculous come back and let’s not even get into the Virginia game. And you know why he looked like a deer in the headlights that game and majority of last season, because the kid clearly spent no time in the film room setting the example and was lazy and thought his big arm will win the day. In high school that works but not in big time cfb. But In face of these facts please cont with your agenda, as it’s crystal clear to everyone in here. Smh

manny literally said theyre all even last night so go bleep off w this coaches say one is ahead. Tate came in ahead of the summer and manny said theyre all even off the first scrimmage. they all took equal reps with the 1s last night. also, you can hold perry to that standard last year, but recall his caoching pure **** and he admitted his failures. let him prove it like diaz is. if he doenst start, he doesnt start. why dont you make a practice or a game at some point in your life. also, the coaches praised how Jarren got his *** into shape and if you havent seen it, then youre literally blind. he was out of shape last year and he put in work to get back into shape going into fall camp. Tate has been a great worker and has imrpoved the room just by his presence bc it clearly rubbed off on the other 2.
Actually if you listen to coaches and people plugged in there it’s not even. It’s your personal agenda that keeps saying there even. All the other TOS have said Tate has won the majority of the practices so far, that he keeps the chains moving and may not have the prettiest ball but it gets there and also adds a dynamic that the other qbs don’t have. Also majority of reports are he won the scrimmage as well or atleast looked the best of the 3. And that dynamic helps off set a shaky oline. Remember the point of the game is to move the chains so you have an opportunity to score. And further more your QB is your leader on and off the field and all I hear you saying on here is who cares if he worked out harder, who cares if he studied more film! Are serious right now, that’s what it takes to be a a big time qb! It’s far more then just having a strong arm or a guy like Jamarcus russel would have been the best this game has ever seen instead of its biggest bust. I don’t recall Brady or Montana having canons but they sure did set the example in the work ethic in the study room and weight room because that’s what leaders do. Further more it’s about discipline and maturity, something Kosi and Jarren are clearly lacking. And before the comment about Kosi experience and leading the FSU come back, let’s not forget he was so aweful In that FSU game that we even needed a miraculous come back and let’s not even get into the Virginia game. And you know why he looked like a deer in the headlights that game and majority of last season, because the kid clearly spent no time in the film room setting the example and was lazy and thought his big arm will win the day. In high school that works but not in big time cfb. But In face of these facts please cont with your agenda, as it’s crystal clear to everyone in here. Smh

You're lying.