When and how did this list of 19 names surface? Did it come to light after we got that clean bill of health?If the allegation were true, what bylaw was broken?
When and how did this list of 19 names surface? Did it come to light after we got that clean bill of health?If the allegation were true, what bylaw was broken?
When the court case was essentially "done", just recently, the government turned over some previously withheld information to the NCAA, as promised, to "do what you need to do now". IN this material was the email with Dewan's name.When and how did this list of 19 names surface? Did it come to light after we got that clean bill of health?
What timing
"ASAP" is an interesting concept. With no subpoena power, 19 athletes named in this matter and who knows what other matters are under investigation, they may actually be moving as fast as possible with the staff and resources they have. But I tend to agree they take their **** time, most likely.So ... even if Dewan forcefully supports the story that came out that he knew nothing about any of the agent's sleazy plans, it's not enough. The University is gonna wait for the "all clear" from the NCAA. Any sense of fairness would have the NCAA ruling on this ASAP!
When and how did this list of 19 names surface? Did it come to light after we got that clean bill of health?
I fully endorse those who call on the athletes involved to "get a good lawyer". In general criminal court proceedings habeas corpus whatever, once there are accusations/charges, there is a "right" to a speedy trial. NCAA athletes probably signed away their rights to "fairness" and speed.
But who is gonna pay the fees of a good lawyer. Alumni and donors would be forbidden, and while someone like Dewan may one day be a rich NBA star, that doesn't mean he can afford expensive representation right now. Very unfair but NCAA-standard-quo.
One might hope the "U" steps up with good legal representation and demands for speedy fairness. I'm not holding my breath.
So ... even if Dewan forcefully supports the story that came out that he knew nothing about any of the agent's sleazy plans, it's not enough. The University is gonna wait for the "all clear" from the NCAA. Any sense of fairness would have the NCAA ruling on this ASAP!
That, too! Unless they have their doubts about what the NCAA may have, or uncover. A big question is why are Miss State and Louisville playing their guys, and UM is not. Of all places, you'd think Louisville would be the school that is ultra cautious.Any sense of fairness would be the school backing Dewan like the other schools are backing their athletes.
That, too! Unless they have their doubts about what the NCAA may have, or uncover. A big question is why are Miss State and Louisville playing their guys, and UM is not. Of all places, you'd think Louisville would be the school that is ultra cautious.
Not to be an ******* but safe to say he will be out this week?