DeVonta Smith

The fact that you can even pose the question that his season is in the conversation with Larry Fitzgerald at Pitt and Calvin Johnson at Georgia Tech should tell you all you need to know. Fitz and Megatron were working with utter SLOP at quarterback and put up marketshare numbers that basically break the scale.

Smith's season is still legitimately all-time great.
He’s great no doubt, but the offense is specifically built to get him the ball on almost every play. Don’t know how osu can have two lbs covering a te and smith is uncovered, or how a lb is 1 on 1 with just boggles my mind how that can happen regularly
Taking age into account he's a top 3 QB. But I would take Mahomes and Allen over him considering age. He's also not better than Rodgers or Wilson. He's not a top 3 player in the league. Top 3 QB 25 years or younger, yes.
Watson>Wilson for sure. Top 5 QBs are (no order) Mahomes, Allen, Watson, Rodgers, Brady. Obviously Rodgers and Brady don't have the same trade value as the other 3.
Got a link where Watson has said that?
I'll have to look for it, but I'm pretty sure the Giants were the other team named. A no trade clause was worked into his new contract. Apparently he was upset about the GM hire and the way Houston handled the BLM situation. If he refuses to play and only wants to go to NYG or Miami, then Tua and the 18 looks a little better.
Are we talking talent or talent age combo? You can't actually think right now Watson is better than Rodgers, Mahomes, Lamar has an MVP. Thinking about it I might put Watson @ 3-5.
Yes, I believe Watson is top 3 in the league. And if you have him 3-5, then I’m not way off, so there’s no need to think I’m wrong.
I'll have to look for it, but I'm pretty sure the Giants were the other team named. A no trade clause was worked into his new contract. Apparently he was upset about the GM hire and the way Houston handled the BLM situation. If he refuses to play and only wants to go to NYG or Miami, then Tua and the 18 looks a little better.
Yes I know the backstory. But I haven’t read where Watson said “I’m done with Texans” like you claim
Smith has gotten so much better. He got bullied at some national camps in high school. He's worked himself into an all-timer. I'm not worried about his frame in the pros because he has strong hands.

Off-topic, but Metchie is one of the best blocking receivers I've ever seen.
Yasss more Canadian love, I may have coached against him when he was younger. When he was still up here before highschool
Yes I know the backstory. But I haven’t read where Watson said “I’m done with Texans” like you claim
He hasn't made a statement, but every article I've read has "sources close to the situation". There was already animosity because of the way Houston handled the racial injustice movement. Then they refused to even interview the KC OC. Apparently he's pretty heated and has threatened to sit out. Without direct quotes it's hearsay, but if true the Phins could have him for less than you'd expect.

It's too bad O'Brian isn't there still. We could do a straight swap, Fitz for Watson.
Considering context where he racked up a ton of yards and TDs on screens, no. What Moss or Megatron did was more impressive.

Megatron: 76-1202-15 as a Jr with Reggie Ball as QB. 50% of their pass yards and 60% of their pass TDs.
Megatron was the first guy that came to my mind.

It’s just crazy how easy they scheme Devonta open. Some motion in the backfield, next thing you know he is two steps open in the flats.
Both. Don't be fooled by Smith's size - he's elite at releasing vs press and honestly it's foolish to even try to press him. Physical corners might be able to disrupt him at the catch point.

Chase is imposing but you can nitpick his rudimentary release skills.

Smith is **** strong.

He canextend his arms into corners and eSily discard them and he powers through dbs lile a running back.

Surprisingly CRAZY power for a guy that skinny.