Yet this ****head found a way to visit FSU on a Sunday/Monday after playing in a basketball tourney on Saturday. Nice try **** bag
These dumb punks think everyone just fell off the turnip truck because they're so used to everyone sucking their *** and just going along with all the dumb **** they say.
Dudes buying this basketball **** probably think McFartland ain't wearing a weave.
We'll see if he also comes here tomorrow and monday.
He's on his way here now. He's on that same plane McFartland was on yesterday.
Alabama's WR Coach is rumored to be taking the OC job at ASU.
So that could affect things.
We still watching the finish?
Alabama's WR Coach is rumored to be taking the OC job at ASU.
So that could affect things.
Then he will go to LSU or FSU
No OV, no commitment
These mopey beetches would have been far happier with Al Golden as head coach. He wouldn't have even attempted to recruit Smith so his name would never have been on the radar. Can't "lose" someone when you don't even try. Silly Richt, thinking he could ever land a recruit wanted by an SEC team. Guess we won't see that at all this recruiting cycle. Oh wait...
You never answered me. Why the **** do you have a ***** Confederate flag as your avatar?
Yes I did. Earlier in the thread. Avatar synergy. People who fly confederate flags are ******. Then I found the pic of a confederate flag with ******. So there you go.
Is it true that Coach Richt attended his bball game?
Alabama's WR Coach is rumored to be taking the OC job at ASU.
So that could affect things.
Tweed told us Harry Beudy picked Alabaga because of "relationships" with Cristobag and Napier. They both left two weeks after he enrolled. LULZ at this relationships ****. Only relationships Alabaga fosters are with bags.Alabama's WR Coach is rumored to be taking the OC job at ASU.
So that could affect things.
It will have the same effect as Lane leaving - none
Tweed told us Harry Beudy picked Alabaga because of "relationships" with Cristobag and Napier. They both left two weeks after he enrolled. LULZ at this relationships ****. Only relationships Alabaga fosters are with bags.Alabama's WR Coach is rumored to be taking the OC job at ASU.
So that could affect things.
It will have the same effect as Lane leaving - none
Tweed told us Harry Beudy picked Alabaga because of "relationships" with Cristobag and Napier. They both left two weeks after he enrolled. LULZ at this relationships ****. Only relationships Alabaga fosters are with bags.Alabama's WR Coach is rumored to be taking the OC job at ASU.
So that could affect things.
It will have the same effect as Lane leaving - none
"Relationships" is code word for bags.
Can't wait to see pics of his shiny, new expensive ride.
Tweed told us Harry Beudy picked Alabaga because of "relationships" with Cristobag and Napier. They both left two weeks after he enrolled. LULZ at this relationships ****. Only relationships Alabaga fosters are with bags.Alabama's WR Coach is rumored to be taking the OC job at ASU.
So that could affect things.
It will have the same effect as Lane leaving - none