Devonta Smith is not on Campus

Does show that saban has legitimate concerns about this staffs ability to change minds.

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No, it's about power. He stopped Bo Scarborough from visiting at the last minute when Folden was coach. No one was scared of Folden.

Anything from Pete yet?

Seems odd that he's gone silent on the biggest visitor/topic of the weekend ?

Why do people always say Pete disappears? Obviously if there was something to report, he would report it. Perhaps he simply doesnt know at the moment? I prefer real reports rather than the hedging say nothing posts the other guys give. "He may have been blocked by Saban, but he might show up later." Get out of here with that crap. Report something when there is something to report

People have no ******* patience.
Anything from Pete yet?

Seems odd that he's gone silent on the biggest visitor/topic of the weekend ?

Why do people always say Pete disappears? Obviously if there was something to report, he would report it. Perhaps he simply doesnt know at the moment? I prefer real reports rather than the hedging say nothing posts the other guys give. "He may have been blocked by Saban, but he might show up later." Get out of here with that crap. Report something when there is something to report

People have no ****ing patience.

It's their b**** way of trying to bait Pete into saying something. If he has something, he'll post it.
So he is or isnt on campus?
FSU got him on campus but we can't?
We will be fine without him if he doesn't come.
AR, Berrios , Mullins, Thomas, Nojku, Cager, Harris, and Harley we are in good hands no worries.

hes been on campus twice on his own dime. he may/likely will not show up for his OV. all we know is what we knew. Its a battle w Bama. Richt did an in home w him this past week

Thank you very much
I really thought we had a shot and said so in many post. I thought that it would come down to us or LSU after their top 2 receivers left and they hired a new OC .Bama has way too many receivers for him to go there and think he is going to play early IMO. I ready for my crow. Get it over with.

There's some shady shît going on
Does show that saban has legitimate concerns about this staffs ability to change minds.

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No, it's about power. He stopped Bo Scarborough from visiting at the last minute when Folden was coach. No one was scared of Folden.

Preach Preach!!!! Bo Scarborough tried to sneak down to miami for an OV an literally at the last minute BAMA put the kibosh on that in some old Don Corleone way.

Don't think for a second that Bama flying around south Florida in a helicopter on the last weekend of recruiting is not intended to send a clear message about BAMA/SEC influence in south Florida. That lost to Clemson has Bama SHUCK TO THE CORE and a resurgent Miami has scared those SEC folks to death.

Go Canes
More like #botchthefinish . Should have never backed off Pouncey.

theyre comfortable with thomas, harley, njoku, and harley. thats a good haul and they wanna save the ship for next year

how many Harleys are we taking?

meant to say dallas`

Dallas is going to be one busy guy for us. Yesterday he was moved to RB because we lost McFarland. Is he going to play CB again too if w lose Henderson or Edwards?

LOL,he might also have to play a little DT if Logan doesn't transfer.
Smith was always a long shot, you guys need to calm down. This class is tracking to be leaps and bounds ahead of what everybody was expecting a month ago.

Exactly. We never cooled on Pouncy. He was always going to be a cane but b/c people this board thought we had a chance with Smith ( only this board thought as the rest of the world knew it was LSU or Bama) people overreact LOL.
Does show that saban has legitimate concerns about this staffs ability to change minds.

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No, it's about power. He stopped Bo Scarborough from visiting at the last minute when Folden was coach. No one was scared of Folden.

Preach Preach!!!! Bo Scarborough tried to sneak down to miami for an OV an literally at the last minute BAMA put the kibosh on that in some old Don Corleone way.

Don't think for a second that Bama flying around south Florida in a helicopter on the last weekend of recruiting is not intended to send a clear message about BAMA/SEC influence in south Florida. That lost to Clemson has Bama SHUCK TO THE CORE and a resurgent Miami has scared those SEC folks to death.

Go Canes

Yeah some Bama fan on twitter was saying stuff like that you can feel their fear!
Can we finally end the "silent" bull****? There's no such thing as a silent. Once they sign the ****ing papers, then it's a done deal. Until then it ain't ****.

Dude anyone thinking Smith was even strongly considering UM is outta their mind . I made multiple posts asking why there was all the Smith talk when everyone said it was an LSU vs Bama battle and everyone came up with dumbass answers when the rest of the world was right - Our WR commits will be Thomas/Harley/pouncy/Nojoku
Does show that saban has legitimate concerns about this staffs ability to change minds.

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No, it's about power. He stopped Bo Scarborough from visiting at the last minute when Folden was coach. No one was scared of Folden.

Does this sound like a certain coach?
"Napoleon complex" is a term describing a theorized condition occurring in people of short stature. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, and carries the implication that such behaviour is compensatory for the subject's stature.
why we always got extra long threads on who not coming here. We knew Mcfarland wasnt coming once he pushed the announcement back thread should have never made it to 40 pages let alone 130 something. I dont think we wver had a very large thread celebrating a commit but we go celebrate some other peoples players.
Anything from Pete yet?

Seems odd that he's gone silent on the biggest visitor/topic of the weekend ?

Why do people always say Pete disappears? Obviously if there was something to report, he would report it. Perhaps he simply doesnt know at the moment? I prefer real reports rather than the hedging say nothing posts the other guys give. "He may have been blocked by Saban, but he might show up later." Get out of here with that crap. Report something when there is something to report

People have no ****ing patience.

It's their b**** way of trying to bait Pete into saying something. If he has something, he'll post it.

They say this shīt, because they're entitled ******** who think Pete is at their beck and call. Usually these are immature people that don't understand how the world works.