I can’t seem to find a Depth chart anywhere so here goes based on what we are hearing
QB: Cam Ward
Emory Williams
RB: Damien Martinez
Mark Fletcher
- Jordan Lyle
- Ajay Allen/Chris Johnson
WR: Sam Brown
- Isaiah Horton
WR: Jacolbly George
- JoJo Trader
- Ny Carr
WR: Xavier Restrepo
- Ray ray Joseph
TE: Elijah Arroyo
- Riley Williams
- Elijah Arroyo
RT: Francis Mauigoa
- Samson Okunola
RG: Anez Cooper
- Tommy Kinsler
C: Zach Carpenter
- Nino Francavilla
LG: Matthew McCoy/Ryan Rodriguez
LT: Jalen Rivers
- Markell Bell
SDE: Reuben Bain
- Elijah Alston
- Cole McConathy
DT: Ahkeem Messidor
- CJ Clark
- Anthony Campell
- Ahmad Moten
DT: Simeon Barrow
- Marley Cook
- Justin Scott
- Josh Horton
WDE: Tyler Baron
- Malik Bryant
- Booker Pickett
LB: Wesley Bissainthe
- Jaylin Alderman
LB: Francisco Mauigoa
- Popo Aguirre
STAR: Daryl Porter
- Damari Brown
- Dyoni Hill
CB: Damari Brown
- OJ Frédérique
- Ryan Mack
S: Meesh Powell
- Markieth Williams
S: Jaden Harris
- Zaquan Patterson
CB: Jadais Richard
- Daryl Porter
- Dyoni Hill
Francavilla? Color me shocked he is at second string considering I haven’t heard a peep about him. (Granted we have been under LOCKDOWN the last 2 weeks) but interesting that Rodriguez is listed at Guard and not backup C so that tells me he really fought for that 2nd string.
Is Fletcher 2nd string? I get we have heard that Lyle is 3rd string but still not word on if Fletcher is officially game time ready (unless iv missed it)
We know what Richard/Brown is capable of so I’m VERY impressed that OJ has been able to crack that line up.