Denver Kirkland not feeling the love for MIAMI fans

You can't say these kids don't work hard. Student athletes work their butts off.

I hope some of these kids end up with real world jobs one day. A lot, if not most, of them need a reality check in the worst way.

Real life will kick the **** out of your ego.

Hahaha....are you sure all student athletes work their butts off?? Did you just see the article about Julius Peppers' transcripts being posted online? Him and his 1.824 GPA with most of his classes being the ones found to have been found guilty of academic fraud at UNC. He must have been working HARD!

As for Kirkland, i'd love to see that big hoss at the U! We need linemen and he definitely has talent. Plus, he's a local kid, which is always a good thing to keep those kids home.

julius peppers did more in his day than an avg student does all day before 7oclock.

anyone that played or plays colege athletics can truly tell u this.....

I beg to differ. So he lifted weights and practiced. Ok. Yes, that is a physically demanding day, one that most people will never experience. But i know a ton of college kids who also work out 1-2 hours every day, go to all their REAL classes, study, and still have to work to pay their bills. Is it as physically taxing? Of course not. But it's mentally exhausting and many more hours of actual work. Plus, my comment was about his GPA and class schedule. I bet most guys on Pepper's own team did more than he did each day, especially the ones who weren't handed everything.

I get what you're saying but you cant devalue the work he put in to get where he is at. He's a football player, he worked his but off to get in the NFL. The machine workouts for a couple of hours doesnt compare to what he did in preparation for his career. Just the few times he showed up to class doesnt compare with the many hours that you and your friends spent studying and cramming for your exams in preparartion for the future. We all placed emphasis on different things. He worked hard and it was not of any lesser value than what you do. He put his body through physical stress, you put your mind through work. Both are important. You may be smarter and he's more physically gifted than you. You use what you got. I wouldnt say he didnt work hard because he did. He sacrificed more than a lot of people realize.

You can't say these kids don't work hard. Student athletes work their butts off.

Hahaha....are you sure all student athletes work their butts off?? Did you just see the article about Julius Peppers' transcripts being posted online? Him and his 1.824 GPA with most of his classes being the ones found to have been found guilty of academic fraud at UNC. He must have been working HARD!

As for Kirkland, i'd love to see that big hoss at the U! We need linemen and he definitely has talent. Plus, he's a local kid, which is always a good thing to keep those kids home.

julius peppers did more in his day than an avg student does all day before 7oclock.

anyone that played or plays colege athletics can truly tell u this.....

I beg to differ. So he lifted weights and practiced. Ok. Yes, that is a physically demanding day, one that most people will never experience. But i know a ton of college kids who also work out 1-2 hours every day, go to all their REAL classes, study, and still have to work to pay their bills. Is it as physically taxing? Of course not. But it's mentally exhausting and many more hours of actual work. Plus, my comment was about his GPA and class schedule. I bet most guys on Pepper's own team did more than he did each day, especially the ones who weren't handed everything.

I get what you're saying but you cant devalue the work he put in to get where he is at. He's a football player, he worked his but off to get in the NFL. The machine workouts for a couple of hours doesnt compare to what he did in preparation for his career. Just the few times he showed up to class doesnt compare with the many hours that you and your friends spent studying and cramming for your exams in preparartion for the future. We all placed emphasis on different things. He worked hard and it was not of any lesser value than what you do. He put his body through physical stress, you put your mind through work. Both are important. You may be smarter and he's more physically gifted than you. You use what you got. I wouldnt say he didnt work hard because he did. He sacrificed more than a lot of people realize.

I get your point and understand, i'm just saying some of the top athletes have always had things handed to them and many don't work nearly as hard as people would think. I've gone to school with and have met many D1 athletes, NFL football players, etc and have seen it first hand. Some get by on pure athletic abuility. Others get by with the minimal amount of work possible.....which is also why many fail at the next level. On a sidenote, many of my friends were powerlifters, bodybuilders, club team athletes, their workouts (and the workouts of those of us who trained with them) was far more difficult than cable machines.