Dennis smith

You can say a lot of things about Mario and a lot has been said on this board.

But you really think Mario would keep someone around if they messed up one recruitment let alone “many”?

I get the impression Mario would knife someone if they cost him a recruit.
It's just that his lack of discretion can be a lil much.

Yes and no.
The laundry is aired out at those schools when the fans and boosters want to expedite the firing of their head coach. See Auburn, uf and Tennesse for recent examples.
Meanwhile, at UM, it is aired out regardless of what current situation is, and not just to the fan sites, but to social media, Instagram, ESPN, local media outlets which thrive on defecating on UM.
I mean LeBatard kind of carved out a career for himself doing that, so I hear you. However, all schools have their own “a flock of internet yenta chimosa beetches.” My point is that it’s not unique to UM; the internet has created a sub-segment of cretins known as LeBatard wanna bes. That’s all.
I just want him fired for the cringeworthy tweets lol

I get it he’s a “hype man” but if those tweets hype u up….u corny lol
Dennis Smith has some of you guys triggered. It might be time to step back from the keyboard, take a deep breath and reevaluate. Mario has shown that he will get rid of people who suck at their jobs, so if Dennis is still on staff, Mario has to think he adds some value.
Dennis Smith has some of you guys triggered. It might be time to step back from the keyboard, take a deep breath and reevaluate. Mario has shown that he will get rid of people who suck at their jobs, so if Dennis is still on staff, Mario has to think he adds some value.

He must have forgot to give big joe his pink slip
Its not for anyone over 30. The tweets are for the kids
I get it is aimed at the recruits, but the stuff he posts seems so corny to me as someone well over 30; I would think they would be even cringier to a teenager.
So, if I understand this correctly:
  1. we have a problem with a position coach at a key position of need (DT) who sometimes has difficulty with recruiting ...
  2. we have a team who's record is one game above .500 ...
  3. we have a team that, based on talent, and other factors, definitely underachieved this season ...
  4. we are facing teams that have just as much NIL money to throw around as we do ...
  5. we are competing for recruits with teams that have already built their track record of winning ...
But the reason we may struggle with some (not all) recruits, is because the glorified office manager of the recruiting department is a bit awkward and sends out some goofy tweets?

Got it. Thanks for clarifying.
Dennis smith needs to go immediately if we ever want the canes to be good. If people realized how unorganized he is. How out of touch with players and recruits he is and how much he gets involved in everything only to mess it all up they’d realize what a cancer to miami he is. So many recruiting mess ups bc of him. It’s the end of the season. It’s time to finally fix this
Dennis smith needs to go immediately if we ever want the canes to be good. If people realized how unorganized he is. How out of touch with players and recruits he is and how much he gets involved in everything only to mess it all up they’d realize what a cancer to miami he is. So many recruiting mess ups bc of him. It’s the end of the season. It’s time to finally fix this
Kudos to you for being the first to say it. It’s time. This program is spending too much money on mid players while missing on big ones.
Despite what a chunk of this board thinks 5-7-10 wins is progress to those who don’t follow Miami the way is “fanatics” do and think we still suck in every phase of football on and off the field.

Our class is going to be good and Mario is a big time recruiter…which is amazing because based on what @1murhurricane has said we had a handful of big timers borderline gift wrapped that someone said “nah we are good”

Need to finish the class, kill it in the portal and the. Then the fresh/sophs need to take that big step next year. Also need the next two drafts to show proof too. This year was big but we need 10-11 wins again next year to really lock in for the long haul.