I grew up with canes teams that got their heads shaved first as freshmen coming in. But they cancelled this tradition, probably because it's to rude or doesn't fit the new image of the university.
In an incident in the early 2000 the defensive players nearly killed an o liner who tried to get into the locker room of the defense at green tree (it was Sherko I believe).
Two things I cannot image these days.
Eddie Johnson was the only player who at least reminded me a little bit of a Nate Webster type of guy, you don't win battles with good people only.
The worst thing yesterday was that I saw it coming. Their players taunting us, their players playing harder, faster, with attitude, more aggression showing the world what once the U was famous for and there was nothing our choir boys and formost our coaches(cause they knew the whole preparation that this will be the priority No. 1 for Coach Strong) had for an answer but hanging their heads. "But, but, but Coach Golden said if we train hard and do what the coaches say we will win this game ..cry..." Sometimes you just have to grab it from sb. and don´t just wait for it to get to you.
Very well mannered, polite boys, no mean people on defense. You must have at least one Nate Webster, but guys like Nate Webster are not getting recruited anymore because they are evil in Shalalas eyes I guess those type of players end up for example in drum roll.... Louisville.
Portis said once in an interview, that on surface those 2001 players played those roles of nice citizens in the public however on practice field or on gameday they tried to knock heads off some shoulders.
Where hast that gone?