The Japanese may have won Pearl Harbor, but 'Murica won the war (after nuking everything).
The funny thing is that most "Americans" don't even know were the country got it's name from. It's from the star Merica (La Merica in French) that the Ancient navigators (Moors) would follow to come from Aethiopa (Kem, Kush) to the New Egypt in the west. Merica also represents Venus, the mother Isis and Lucifer - the morning star that signifies the the rising of the sun; "A thousand points of light and the dawn of a new day."
Honest questions. Did you go to public school? What state did you go to high school in?
Your schit is moonbat city right now homie
Public school is exoteric information for the masses of sheeple who remain asleep. Esoteric knowledge from the mystery system is the wisdom the elite use to rule over the ignorant. Surely you don't believe everything you've been taught in school. I mean don't suspend your common sense here.
If Columbus discovered America shouldn't it be called Columbia? Columbusland? In fact he never set foot in America and the whole Vespucci story makes even less sense for so many obvious reasons. I guess you think people came from apes and Santa is coming down the chimney too.
I don't need validation because I have studied and shown myself approved. Do the research and you will find the truth, the truth shall make you free. The light hurts when you first open your eyes, but if you learn to use them you will see the fine print, the signs and the symbols. You know like the dotted line you signed on your last check. Hint, it's not a line but a legal statement. Just look closer. Everything is hidden in plain sight.
Btw, there are no bats on the moon... homie.