DC Candidates

as my friend Galileo Galilei said at his trial before the Catholic Church in defending heliocentrism (that the sun, and not the earth, is the center of the galaxy), when asked if he was willing to recant his theory, "what has been seen, cannot be unseen". this is my reaction to this heinous video
He wrote books about what he'd seen. Are you planning on following suit?
My boy land on his feet real quick. Good spot for him.
There’s a reason it’s drug out a little bit. I will say one of the names I’ve heard will come out of left field. One name y’all will know and like I said the other will leave you saying “ I didn’t see that one coming “.That’s all I have.
So it’s Al golden 😂
There’s a reason it’s drug out a little bit. I will say one of the names I’ve heard will come out of left field. One name y’all will know and like I said the other will leave you saying “ I didn’t see that one coming “.That’s all I have.
So…..Matt Patricia?
Not a lot of play calling experience but a lot football experience. Not sure if it’s him but it would explain the timeline.
Anthony Campanile? Might be thinking of someone else. But wasn't his name being floated a couple years ago?