
Whatever we paid cam and Martinez needs to be the same budget to land a new back 7 next year. And I’m being serious. Idk if brown is even great but he looks like prime ed reed compared to Harris
Why not move Meesh back to nickle and go Patterson and Williams at safety. It can’t get much worse
I like Williams, he’s smart and knows where to go…but man is he skinny and just as bad as a tackler.
Seriously, at this point they should just sit in Cover 2 all game. Keep everything in front and don't let the safeties think at all. Bend don’t break and pray.
Nah man. The DB group we had with like Highsmiths and Rodgers were legit awful. These guys are bad but not like that. Porter is good though
Porter is serviceable. I'm not going to dog him too much. He's asked to do more than any other db, but I wouldn't say he's good. The rest are trash. I guess OJ is ok. I don't hear his name much and I don't see him getting abused every play like Hill, Harris, Richard, so that's a good thing.
I guess we have to ask ourselves if the defense has any scalability - can they improve enough over the next 5 weeks to make a few more stops per game? Idk the answer to that. Think the inverse of Clemson - their offense has scaled up and now they look look on both sides
So we couldn’t develop Stafford at all? We have developed zero dbs to this point?
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I thought the defense was better as a whole in the 2nd half.
The long drive with the fake punt and penalty on 4th later, was tough on the D. But I think we did a lot better.

Even the last scoring drive was a penalty on 4th to extend it.

I don't see us being great on defense, but if we can clean it up with oenalties, and definitely play more zone defense, we're going to get some stops. Our dline wears on an OL throughout the course of a game.